McGinnis pushed himself laboriously out of the chair and waddled to the window 麦金尼斯吃力地从椅子上站起来,摇摇晃晃地走到了窗前。
Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at that patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labor. 杰姆吃力地问道,仿佛他绞尽脑汁之后,还没有把那个显而易见的事实弄明白似的。
You can avoid using a prefix by assigning one URI to all unprefixed names or by laboriously ( and dangerously) reassigning the default namespace wherever needed in the document. 通过将一个URI指定给所有无前缀的名称或费劲地(而且危险地)重新指定文档中需要的缺省名称空间,可以避免使用前缀。
He can communicate only through a voice synthesizer, which he operates by laboriously tapping out words on the computer attached to his motorized chair. 他只能通过一个发声合成器同别人交流。这个计算机式的发声合成器固定在他那装有马达的轮椅上;他吃力地操作键盘,把要说的话一个词一个词地打出来。
To drag or haul ( an object) laboriously. 拉费力地拉或曳(一物体)
Sequential hierarchical menus lightened the amount of memory work required of users, but forced them to laboriously navigate a maze of confusing choices and options. 顺序层次关系菜单减轻了用户的记忆负担,但又迫使他们在混乱的选择和选项中艰难前进。
Millstones had been cut and laboriously sledged down the rough mountainsides. 石磨被琢好,然后费力用雪橇运下那崎岖不平的山坡。
Laboriously I checked their ages, starting with companies at the beginning of the alphabet. 我从首字母排在字母表最前面的公司开始,费劲地查出了他们的年龄。
He traced the words laboriously. 他很费力地写出那几个字。
He is committed to laboriously assembling all of the facts of the case. 他被委托要辛苦地汇集此案的所有事实。
All the images of nature were still present to him, and he drew them, not laboriously, but luckily; 一切自然意象不断地呈现于他,他巧妙地画下来,丝毫不费力气。
He traced his signature laboriously. 他吃力地签上自己的名字。
Volume I, 1920, was produced laboriously with pencil and carbon paper. 第一卷于1920年出版,那是我用铅笔和复写纸辛辛苦苦地搞定的。
In this employment, the employee shall act honestly, laboriously and to the best of his ability. 在受雇时,雇员须诚实、耐劳并充分发挥能力。
The modern man who holds ornament sacred as the sign of artistic achievement of pastepochs will immediately recognize the tortured, laboriously extracted and pathological nature of modern ornament. 一个收藏著作为过去时代的艺术精力过剩标志的神圣装饰的现代人,将会很快认出现代装饰是扭曲的、牵强的和病态的。
Some people said that goes to work laboriously is the housewife in the home! 有人说,上班辛苦就在家做主妇啊!
Slowly, laboriously, she heaved herself over and pulled her heavy skirts up to her thighs. 她缓慢而吃力地抬起身来,将沉重的裙裾拉到大腿以上。
The tank laboriously crawled on with a huddle of soldiers hanging behind. 坦克吃力地爬行着,一堆士兵缩在后面跟着走。
He picked up his bookbag and stood up laboriously. 他提起自己的书包,吃力地从床前站了起来。
He dressed himself laboriously every morning and afternoon. 他每天早晨和下午花不少工夫梳洗打扮。
The minute they left, he propped himself up on one elbow, painfully and laboriously, and looked out the window. It faced a blank wall. 她们刚一走,他就艰难痛苦地单肘支撑起来向窗外看去。窗外,迎面而立的是一堵光秃秃的墙。
He is committed to laboriously assembling all of the facts of the case. Attempts to exploit Auschwitz are hardly new. 他被委托要辛苦地汇集此案的所有事实。利用奥斯维辛集中营已经不是什么新鲜事了。
Of course, you have gifts, but gifts are like deeply buried precious stones that need to be laboriously dug out and polished until they sparkle. 不错,你有天赋,可是天赋就像深藏在岩石层下的宝石,没有艰苦的发掘、精心的雕琢,它自己是不会发出光彩来的。
Their lives were spent in committee making decisions for others to execute on the basis of data laboriously gathered for them. 他们在委员会里整天忙着根据辛辛苦苦为他们收集来的资料去替别人做出执行命令的决定。
We are still laboriously looking for the "some other different thing". 我们至今仍然在辛苦地寻找这个“某种不同的东西”。
This gold medal's significance has been too significant, under many years laboriously trade the gold medal in this moment the repayment, the sister also flow the tear unrestrainedly. 这枚金牌的意义太重大了,多年的辛苦在这一刻换来金牌的回报,小姑娘们也是情不自禁地流下眼泪。
To breathe convulsively or laboriously. 剧烈地、吃力地喘气。
The insect moves slowly and laboriously, with frequent pauses to gather strength. 那昆虫缓慢而费力地移动,频频停下以恢复体力。
Major Pendennis was as laboriously civil and gracious to him as he was to the rest of the family. 潘登尼斯少校对他彬彬有礼,非常客气,就象对他家里的其他人一样。
Then Babbitt saw Professor Pumphrey laboriously crawling up hill. 这时候,巴比特看到庞弗里教授正吃力地一步一步爬上坡。