He had lacerations on his back and thighs. 他的背部和大腿都有划伤。
The child was taken to a hospital to be treated for bruises and lacerations. Her family said she was very distraught by what happened. 姐姐被送往医院,医生正在治疗她的擦伤和撕裂伤。家人说孩子被发生的一切吓坏了。
What about the scalp lacerations? 那么头皮上的伤口怎么说呢?
Fortunately the horse was not seriously injured, but some lacerations needed stitching. 幸好,马伤得不重,但伤口裂开处要缝上几针。
There were no lacerations on that hand. 但那只手上没有任何伤口。
A Expounding of the System Innovation Which Shanxi and Shaanxi Merchants Managed "Mechanism of Partnerships" in Qing and Ming Dynasties; Debridement and adhesive in the management of periorbital skin lacerations on children 论明清山陕商人经营合伙制的制度创新清创粘合术在眼周皮肤裂伤患儿中的应用
She had lacerations to her head and back. 她的头部和背部有几处伤口。
Surgical treatment of tendon ruptures and lacerations is currently the most common therapeutic modality. 肌腱断裂或撕裂的外科治疗是目前最常见的治疗方法。
Anal sphincter laceration was the primary outcome, defined as third-and fourth-degree perineal lacerations. 肛门括约肌撕裂伤为初始结果资料,其被定义为第三和第四度会阴裂伤。
Clinical characteristics and emergency surgical method with 60 full-thickness eyelid lacerations 60例眼睑全层裂伤的临床特征和急诊手术方法
And because both girls suffered severe facial lacerations. 因为两个女孩的面部都受了重伤。
In the1996 accident, I suffered major lacerations to my arm and face that required skin grafting. 在1996年的那场意外,我的脸部和手臂都遭受到大面积的破损因此我需要皮肤移植。
If no direct pressure can be applied because of for example severe lacerations, lay the casualty down in a suitable and comfortable position and await arriving qualified first aider. 如果由于某些原因,比如说伤口很严重,而不能按压的话,那么将伤员放在一个适当的舒适的位置,等待有资格的急救者的到来。
She had five head lacerations. 她头上有五处伤口。
Visual inspection of the pelvis and perineum for lacerations, ecchymosis, and hematoma is indicated, and complete evaluation of the scrotum, vagina, and urethra is necessary to rule out injury. 通过对骨盆和会阴区的视诊,可以表明是否有撕裂伤、淤血和水肿,并且对于阴囊、阴道和尿道的完整评估是排除其损伤所必要的。
Analysis of early stage surgical intervention and prognosis in bilateral frontal lobe lacerations 双额叶脑挫裂伤早期手术干预及预后分析
Anal incontinence among women with one versus two complete third-degree perineal lacerations 发生1次和发生2次完全性会阴Ⅲ度裂伤的妇女出现肛门失禁的比较
Objective: To determine the clinical significance of ambient cisterna ′ s change on cerebral contusions and lacerations accompanying with intracranial hematoma. 目的:探讨环池变化在脑挫裂伤并发颅内血肿中的临床意义。
[ Methods] A total of 116 patients ( 188 eyes) were treated separately based on the type and the grade of the trauma. The lacerations of the lids were surgically repaired; [方法]通过对116例(188眼)眼外伤受伤部位及受伤程度不同采取相应的处理方法:眼睑皮肤裂伤行清创缝合;
Conclusion Oblique Kessler and Cruciate methods can significantly improve the strength of the tendon with oblique lacerations. 结论肌腱斜形损伤后采用Kessler法和Cruciate法作斜形缝合,可明显提高修复后的抗张强度。
Most of the ruptured wounds were radiated lacerations and always situated at the posterior laterally region of hymens. 处女膜破裂多呈放射状裂开,其破裂口好发于后侧区。
Review of the dynamic CT changes of ambient cisterna in treating the patients with cerebral contusions and lacerations accompanying with intracranial hematoma CT动态观察环池变化对治疗脑挫裂伤并发颅内血肿的评价
Severe perineal lacerations in nulliparous women and episiotomy type 2 patients were perineal hypospadias. 初产妇重度会阴裂伤与会阴切开方式会阴型2例。
Racial/ ethnic differences in perineal, vaginal and cervical lacerations 会阴、阴道和宫颈裂伤的人种/民族差异
Liver rupture was the most frequent hepatic injuries ( 66.6%), and therefore, suturing of lacerations remain the first important operating technique. 受伤之肝脏以破裂伤居首位(占66.6%),故裂伤缝合术仍是手术时的主要治疗方法。
Results: The operations were successful in all of 21 cases of lacrimal canalicular lacerations, 2 cases in 3 cases of stricture of lacrimal punctum and 11 cases in 14 cases of naso lacrimal duct obstruction. 结果:21例下泪小管断裂者全部成功(其中2例泪囊切开,逆行找泪小管鼻侧断端),3例泪小点狭窄者2例成功,14例鼻泪管阻塞者11例成功。
The principle is to save the life, treat pelvic fracture, repair vaginal lacerations and neighbor organs rationally. 抢救生命,治疗骨盆骨折,合理修复阴道及邻近器官伤。