But, slice to hate praxis aqua scrub, don't even use soap aqua or lye, will affect the furniture superficial and clean kilowatt hour like this, even result in lacker the surface shed off. 但是,切忌使用水擦洗,更不要用肥皂水或碱水,这样会影响家具表面的光洁度,甚至造成漆面脱落。
Jeffrey Lacker, president of the Richmond Fed, said: I will be evaluating carefully whether we need or want the additional stimulus that purchasing the full amount authorised under our agency mortgage-backed securities programme would provide. 美国里士满联邦储备银行行长杰弗里莱克尔(JeffreyLacker)表示:我将仔细评估我们是否需要或希望提供额外的刺激资金,以购买联储批准的抵押贷款支持证券计划中的全部证券。
Lacker said. However,'if liquidity was the problem, we would have seen more use of the discount window. 不过,如果存在流动性问题,我们会更多地使用贴现窗。