A fluorimetric method was proposed for the determination of trace lactoflavin in flour. 采用分子荧光法测定面粉中痕量核黄素的含量。
Concerning students 'intake of nutrients, the intake of sodium and vitamin E reaches the recommended quantity, heat, protein, carbohydrates, thiamin and iron basically adequate; vitamin A, lactoflavin and calcium seriously insufficient. 各种营养素的摄入量:钠、维生素E达推荐摄入量,热量、蛋白质、碳水化合物、硫胺素、铁摄入基本充足,而维生素A、核黄素、钙严重缺乏。
Firstly, fat was in excess supply and calcium, thiamin and lactoflavin were in short supply in their diet. 该部官兵脂肪供应过多,钙、硫胺素和核黄素等供应不足。