Check out other articles and tutorials written by Cameron Laird 查看CameronLaird撰写的其他文章和教程
You need not worry about its heritage to benefit from R.Cameron Laird provides some good background and resources related to R in his developerWorks article, R handy for crunching data. 您可以受益于R,但不必须担心它的继承权问题。CameronLaird在他的developerWorks文章Rhandyforcrunchingdata中介绍了与R相关的一些恰到好处的背景和参考资料。
In explaining the purpose of the fleet movement to Mel Laird, I pointed out that we recognized the Indian occupation of East Pakistan as an accomplished fact. 我向梅尔来尔德解释舰队行动的目的时指出,我们认识到印度占领东巴已是既成事实。
He would get rid of Rogers and Laird at the earliest opportunity. 只要有机会,他就会尽早抛弃罗杰斯和莱尔德。
It is self-evident that the laird is very important for humans. 土地对于人类的重要性是不言而喻的。
The Vietnamization plan was launched following Secretary Laird's visit to Vietnam in March. 战争越南化计划是在部长莱尔德三月访问越南之后提出的。
Ken Laird is describing the organization of the Scandinavian savings bank he works for. 肯?莱尔德正在介绍他供职的斯堪的纳维亚储蓄银行的组织情况。
Laird and Nixon kept their counsel. 莱尔德和尼克松不发表意见。
Within a year, laird and Eastman were approached with a toy license, which was followed by a cartoon television series and three live-action feature films over the course of nine years. 莱尔德和伊斯特曼在一年之内就获得了玩具许可证,而在接下来的9年中,这一许可证应用在了卡通系列片和3部动作片中。
Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird, the great survivor, had indicated his desire to leave well before the 1972 election. 不倒翁国防部长梅尔文·r·莱尔德已表示希望早在1972年的选举之前就离职。
Laird's on duty, but they can't find him. 莱尔德在值班,但他们找不到他。
Once they had left Key Biscayne, Rogers and Laird quickly reversed themselves. 罗杰斯和莱尔德一离开比斯坎岛,很快就变了卦。
Canny Jack picked up a few sparkling pieces; but the Laird of the Black Airt stuffed his pockets, and was crushed by the trees as they returned. 聪明的杰克只拾了几颗,而“诱恶之王”不停地往口袋里塞啊塞,结果被回来的树压成了泥。
As a finely seasoned politician, Laird did not believe in fighting losing battles. 作为一个很老练的政界人物,莱尔德不打必输的仗。
But DNA sequencing has revolutionized the field of diagnostics, according to Laird Jackson, a geneticist at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 但是,宾夕法尼亚州费城德雷克塞尔大学医学院的遗传学家莱尔德·杰克逊说,遗传因子排列已经使疾病诊断出现了革命性进展。
The linear mixed model for longitudinal data proposed by Laird and Ware is studied. 考虑纵向数据的一般线性混合效应模型。
The Hani people went through matrilineal clanship, patrilineal clanship, feudal laird system, and socialist society. 哈尼族在其漫长的历史发展进程中,曾经历了母系氏族制、父系氏族制、封建领主制、封建地主制,并直接过渡到社会主义社会。
The linear mixed-effects model presented by Laird and Ware ( 1982) is a more flexible model for repeated measures. 线性混合效应模型最早由Laird和Ware(1982)提出,它在分析重复测量资料时非常灵活;