Hence, while honoring lamas and Buddhas, rather than committing deceptive non-virtues for material offerings, we may as well make mental offerings with a pure mind. 由此可见,与其为供养上师、佛陀而以欺骗手段造作恶业,还不如以清净心意幻供养为妙。
Many lamas of other Buddhist traditions who, although they may not have been known as Longchen Nyingthig followers, nevertheless have been practicing Longchen Nyingthig. 佛教其它传承的许多上师,虽然他们并不以龙钦宁提的追随者而闻名,但却在修持龙钦宁提法门。
We will find fault with everything and only have misconceptions. Thus, just as we know how to say the words "root and lineage lamas," it is very important for us to know what those words mean. 因此,我们在提起根本和传承上师的名词的时候,应该要跟嘴巴上说得一样,去了解这里面的意义,这是非常重要的。
Every year, a number of Living Buddhas and lamas are sent to the China Tibetan Language High Institute of Buddhism in Beijing for advanced studies. 另外每年还推荐一定数量的活佛、学僧到北京,进入中国藏语系高级佛学院进修深造。
So finally, through inner experience, spiritual energy, wisdom, and compassion, they will all become perfect lamas. 最后,内心生起觉受证解,具足慈悲和加持,成为圆满具相的上师。
Camels are represented in the New World by lamas. 在新世界骆马相当于骆驼。
He was regarded by many as one of the greatest Dzogchen masters of the20th century, the very embodiment of Padmasambhava, and he was the teacher of many of the important lamas of today. 他被尊崇为二十世纪最伟大大圆满上师之一,是莲师具体的化身,也同时是当代许多重要上师的导师。
Another is to let all tired lamas relax and have a rest. 另一方面也是让劳累了几个月的僧人们休息一天。
Lhabu has made important achievements in Buddhist studies, and enjoys great popularity amongst other monks and lamas. 拉布有较高的佛学造诣,在广大僧众中有很高的威信。