Sea lampreys leave a swath of destruction as the invasive species chomps through the Great Lakes. Attempts to manage them have relied in part on pheromones that attract the animals. 作为外来入侵物种,七鳃鳗经过北美五大湖时总会留下一系列的破坏。而管理它们的一部分手段主要依赖于能够吸引动物的信息素。
Sea Lampreys Flee Death Smells 逃离死亡气息
The scientists say their finding could be used to drive lampreys into an area where they could be captured and killed. All while trying to escape from their own imminent smell of death. 科学家认为这项发现可以用来将七鳃鳗驱赶至捕杀范围之内,在它们竭力逃离它们自身的死亡气息时。
Their work determined that muscarine stimulated neural activity, leading to locomotion in the laboratory lampreys. 他们发现毒蕈碱能刺激神经兴奋,并引起八目鳗运动。
Lampreys as distinguished from hagfishes. 与八目鳗类鱼区别开的七鳃鳗。
Superclass of eel-shaped chordates lacking jaws and pelvic fins: lampreys; hagfishes; some extinct forms. 鳗鲡状的脊索动物超类,没有咽喉和骨盆鳍;七鳃鳗;八目鳗类鱼;一些已灭绝的种类。
Eel-like marine fishes. lampreys as distinguished from hagfishes. 形似鳗鱼的海洋鱼类。与八目鳗类鱼区别开的七鳃鳗。
Scientists had seen that dead sea lampreys in a tank caused live ones to freak out and try to escape. 科学家曾亲眼目睹水槽中死去的七鳃鳗让活的七鳃鳗唯恐避之不及。
This article also compared the female lamprey with the male lamprey in the inside and the outside morphological structures, and compared the proportion of the lampreys weihgt to part of the organs weight with the proportion of the fishs and mammals. 还将雌性和雄性在内外形态构造上作了比较,对部分器官占体重比例同鱼类及哺乳类也作了比较。
Lampreys, as one of the most ancient vertebrates living today, are the connection between invertebrates and vertebrates. They must imprint the evolution history of invertebrates based on genetic information and play an important role in the phylogenetic analysis of vertebrate. 七鳃鳗作为现存最古老的脊椎动物是联系无脊椎动物与脊椎动物之间的重要物种,从遗传信息基础来看,它必定印记了无脊椎动物的进化历史,在脊椎动物的系统发育分析中有着十分重要的地位。
Lampreys, the most important species, are the connection between invertebrates and vertebrates. They must imprint the evolution history of invertebrates based on genetic information and evolutionary location. 七鳃鳗(Lamprey)是处于无脊椎动物与脊椎动物之间最重要的物种,从遗传信息基础和其进化地位来看,它印记了无脊椎动物的进化历史,又为脊椎动物的起源与进化提供了丰富的遗传信息基础。
The lampreys are modern representatives of the jawless vertebrates, which are thought to be the ancestor of jawed vertebrates. 而七鳃鳗是现存最为古老的无颌类脊椎动物之一,也可以将其理解为有颌类脊椎动物的共同祖先。
In this study, molecular biology and bioinformatics methods were used to analyze the expressed sequence tags ( ESTs) of the leukocytes cDNA library of Japanese lampreys. 本论文运用生物信息学和分子生物学方法,从日本七鳃鳗白细胞cDNA文库中搜索到一条能够表达Vav3的EST序列。