Night two should get better-but only if you've remembered before going to bed to unplug your landline, turn off your mobile phone and deactivate your doorbell-and your neighbours don't decide to indulge in any DIY. 两个晚上以后情况就会好点不过你要记得在上床睡觉之前关掉通讯工具,关掉手机还有拔掉门铃还有你的邻居不会自己闯进来。
It works with your landline and up to two Bluetooth-linked cellphones, and can be expanded using additional handsets that cost$ 80 each. 它采用固定电话线路,最多能与两部蓝牙手机相连。
Mother fighting to stop, could not use a landline, a cell phone 给妈妈打,不停的,不通,用座机打,手机打
If each line landline and cellular has call waiting, a total of four callers could potentially be linked to the VTech system at once. 如果同时有固定电话来电和手机来电,那么总共有四个电话可以同时连接到VTech系统上。
In my house, we gave up our landline years ago, so I tested the system using only cellphones. 在我家里,我们好几年前就停止使用固定电话了,因此我只用手机测试了VTech系统。
Since we had the landline installed Bruce always rushes to answer the phone when it rings. 自从我们安装了固定电话之后,只要电话铃一响,布鲁斯总是抢着去接。
Sit in a chair with relevant materials easily in front of you. Give your sole, focused attention to your interviewer, and whenever possible make sure you are on a landline rather than shaky cell connection. 坐在椅子上,将相关的东西放在自己面前,并注意力全部放在面试官身上。如果可能,确保自己使用固定电话,而不是信号不稳定的手机。
Using reams of phone records, both landline and cell, scientists mapped out social networks across the entire United Kingdom. And they compared those maps with detailed information on regional economic conditions. 通过大量的通话记录(座机的、手机的都包含在内),科学家们绘制出了整个英国的社交网络,并将其与当地经济状况进行了对比。
I have been warned that my hotel was bugged and advised to avoid using landline phones. 我在酒店就受到这样的警告,说我的酒店被安装了窃听器,建议我不要使用有线电话。
It may be for promotional or training videos made by private companies or even for novelty purposes like a 'celebrity' voicemail on a mobile or landline telephone. 这些声音可以被私人公司用于推广或者训练视频,甚至可以由一些新奇的用途,比如给手机或固定电话的语音信箱加一段名人语音。
The size and coverage of our network of fixed landline and mobile phones put us among the leading countries in the world. 固定电话和移动电话网络规模、覆盖范围位居世界前列。
Just one of the Bluetooth phones can be used at a time, in addition to the landline. 除了固定电话线路之外,每次只能使用一部蓝牙手机。
Phone conferences and leisurely gabfests should be done on a landline. 电话会议和长时间的闲聊应该用座机。
You can do exactly the same thing with a landline. 你可以用一部座机干同样的事情。
All I've got is that the call was made from a landline. 现在只知道是从有线电话打来的。
Allows you to personalize landline Internet and bring it into the mobile world. 让您的个性化陆上互联网和把它纳入移动世界。
If you use your mobile phones more often than your home landline, consider canceling the bells and whistles to get your home service down to the bare minimum. 如果你用手机的次数多余固话,考虑将花哨部分取消,将固定电话服务减至尽可能最少。
Like cable and Internet providers, landline phone service packages keep getting cheaper as more competition comes on the market. 正如电视和网络商家那样,因为市场上激烈的竞争,很多电话商家所提供的产品也是越来越便宜。
A quarter of those polled said they couldn't remember their landline number, while two-thirds couldn't recall the birthdays of more than three friends or family members. 四分之一的受访者自称不记得家里的电话号码;三分之二的人最多能记得三个亲戚或朋友的生日。
The group is the largest individual company in Swaziland with landline, mobile and business customer activities. 该集团是全球最大的斯威士兰个别公司与固定电话,移动和商业客户活动。
Until more is known about the possible carcinogenic effects of cell phone use, curb your kids 'cell phone habits by encouraging texting or using a landline instead. 在了解到更多手机可能致癌信息之前,控制小孩使用手机的习惯,鼓励他们多发短息、多用座机。
The government's Village-to-Village project, launched in the early1990s, has extended television, telephone both landline and mobile and Internet connections to rural areas. 政府在90年代早期启动的村村通工程把电视、电话(固定电话和移动电话)以及互联网接入扩展到了农村地区。
Security controller shall advise security staff to report any incident by means of landline telephone. 安全控制员应建议保安人员使用有线电话汇报所有事件。
If youre chatting on a landline call, you can answer an incoming cellphone call by placing the landline call on hold. 如果你正在接听固定电话来电,那么只要按保留键,就可以同时接听手机来电。
BSNL already has a monopoly in landline services in most of India, and hopes quickly to gain a stronghold in the mobile market with an aggressive pricing strategy. BSNL已经垄断了印度大部分地方的陆地线路服务,并希望通过扩张性的价格策略迅速抢占移动市场中的有利位置。
I'll try you again later when I get to a landline. 稍后我找个座机再打给你。
Jane: Maybe we can use the landline to call directory assistance. 我们可以用座机给电话公司打电话。
Ditched the landline? Use a hands-free device like a headset or talk on speaker phone ( preferably the former when in public). 除了座机,用免提设备像耳机或者用扬声器电话交谈(公开场合前者更好)。
As Paula closes her eyes and tries to focus, her landline and cell phones ring almost simultaneously. 当Paula闭上双眼,努力要集中注意力的时候,她的固定电话、手机几乎同时响了起来。