Paying rent simply helps to line the pockets of landlords. It's far better to put your money into bricks and mortar of your own 租房子只会鼓了房东的腰包,自己投资买房要合算得多。
Some landlords and landladies are racially prejudiced 一些房东有种族偏见。
Landlords can charge a returnable deposit. 房东可以收取一笔可退还的押金。
Local landlords drove them off their plots. 当地的地主们把他们从他们的土地上赶走。
Only the landlords and capitalists lived a life of ease then. 那时候,只有地主和资本家过着优裕的生活。
Good news at last for landlords. 房东们终于迎来了好消息。
The peasants have a deep hatred for the landlords. 农民对地主怀有刻骨的仇恨。
We burned the deeds of the landlords and divided the land. 我们烧了地主的地契,分了地。
This foundation is highly respected by the local community and landlords. 这个基金组织非常受当地社区,和地主的尊敬。
Landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses. 地主和商人住在仅有的几栋房子里。
The great landlords and the financiers had combined against the small bourgeoisie and the workers. 大地主和大资本家已经联合起来反对小资产阶级和工人。
Strictly prohibit landlords and rich peasants from sneaking into the peasant associations and poor peasant leagues. 严禁地主富农分子混入农民协会和贫农团。
Some landlords would let their land only to peasants owning a bullock and plough. 有些地主只把地租给那些有耕牛和犁的农民。
They have to rent houses from public authorities or landlords. 他们只好从政府或房东那儿租房。
They can go and invest in urban real estate, and become landlords again. 他们可以去投资城市房地产,并再一次成为房东。
First, the local tyrants, evil gentry and lawless landlords have themselves driven the peasants to this. 第一,上述那些事,都是土豪劣绅、不法地主自己逼出来的。
The landlords racked the tenants. 地主对佃户进行残酷剥削。
The poor peasants are tenant-peasants who are exploited by the landlords. 贫农是农村中的佃农,受地主的剥削。
Many landlords, rich peasants and riffraff have seized the opportunity to sneak into our Party. 这即是有许多地主分子、富农分子和流氓分子乘机混进了我们的党。
Landlords or rich peasants must not be allotted more land and property than the peasant masses. 地主富农应得的土地和财产,不能超过农民群众。
Certain countries under the joint dictatorship of the landlords and the bourgeoisie can be grouped with this kind. 某些地主和资产阶级联合专政的国家,可以附在这一类。
He denounced all landlords and money-lenders as evil predators. 他痛斥所有地主和放债者都是罪恶的剥削者。
They could reap the profits of land speculation by selling this farmland to rich and acquisitive landlords. 他们可以把土地转卖给那些富有而又极想扩大自己土地的地主,从中赚取土地投机的利润。
Most old countries have had agrarian disputes between landlords and tenants. 大多古老国家在地主与佃农之间有过农地的纠纷。
However, in accordance with the Outline Land Law, rich peasants should generally be treated differently from landlords. 但是按照土地法大纲的规定,对待富农和对待地主一般地应当有所区别。
I intend to release my karma with all landlords that I have had and balance the scales in full. 我意愿释放我与我所有房东之间的业力并完全平衡业力尺度。
The majority of the pawnshop owners were landlords or merchants tied to the landlords. 当铺老板大都是地主或与地主有联系的商人。
Industrial and commercial enterprises run by small bureaucrats or by landlords, however, are not subject to confiscation. 对于小官僚和地主所办的工商业,则不在没收之列。
We now know how uncaring and selfish the landlords were. 我们现在知道这些地主过去是多么的冷酷和自私。
My fellow students were nearly all the sons of landlords or merchants. 我的同学几乎全是地主或商人的子弟。