N-COUNT 语言;语言文字 A language is a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols which are used by the people of a particular country or region for talking or writing.
...the English language... 英语
Students are expected to master a second language... 学生们要掌握一门外语。
Holidays are for seeing the sights, hearing the language and savouring the smells. 度假是为了赏风景之美,听语言之妙,品百味之香。
N-UNCOUNT 言语;语言表达 Language is the use of a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds or written symbols.
Students examined how children acquire language... 学生们仔细研究儿童如何习得语言。
Language is not art but both are forms of human behavior. 言语不是艺术,但两者都是人类的行为方式。
N-UNCOUNT (某一领域的)全部词汇,术语 You can refer to the words used in connection with a particular subject as the language of that subject.
...the language of business. 商业用语
N-UNCOUNT 粗话;脏话 You can refer to someone's use of rude words or swearing as bad language when you find it offensive.
Television companies tend to censor bad language in feature films... 电视公司往往会在审查故事片时删去其中的粗话。
There's a girl gonna be in the club, so you guys watch your language. 俱乐部里会有一位女孩,你们男的说话注意点。
N-UNCOUNT 语言风格;措辞 The language of a piece of writing or speech is the style in which it is written or spoken.
...a booklet summarising it in plain language... 以平实语言对其作出概述的小册子
The tone of his language was diplomatic and polite... 他说话圆通得体、彬彬有礼。
Mr Harris has not been afraid to use language that many in his party despise. 哈里斯先生素来不怕使用为许多党内人士所不齿的言辞。
N-VAR 交流方式,交际方式(包括可识别符号、非语言声音、动作等) You can use language to refer to various means of communication involving recognizable symbols, non-verbal sounds, or actions.
Some sign languages are very sophisticated means of communication. 有些手语可以表达非常复杂的内容。