You can see how it's different from langue, which needn't necessarily ever have been said at all. 你可以看出它怎样和抽象的语言不同,这根本不必要说出来。
It is now officially considered as an international langue. 现在英语已经是官方认可的国际语言了。
Chinese is a langue with tone, and the tone information is very important for the recognition of Chinese speech. 汉语普通话是一种带声调的语言,声调信息在汉语连续语音识别中具有非常重要的作用。
France's is explicit about the primacy of la belle langue; 法国很明确地以语言华美为首要;
Photograph up close mobs Australian langue for large number of eastern grey kangaroos, in the wild and other wildlife in their natural environment. 在自然野生环境中,近距离与成群的野生东部灰色袋鼠以及其他野生动物拍照留念。
What is the difference between langue and parole? 语言和谚语有何区别?
Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and parole refers to the realization of language in actual use, or the actual or actualized language. 语言是一个语言社会的所有成员共同使用的抽象语言系统。言语是对于这些抽象语言系统的实际运用。
Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community; 语言是指由一个话语社区的所有成员所共享的抽象语言系统;
It is the processing center for thought, langue, memory, sensory information, and movement. 它是思考,语言,感觉,运动的中枢系统。
An elaborate analysis of language leads Saussure to extract langue in contrast to parole and then to address the similarities and dissimilarities between langue and other institutions. 他以言语活动为出发点,抽象出与言语相对的语言,并论证了作为社会事实的语言与其他社会制度之异同。
The artist is known for his abstract langue on sculpture and international art style to argue deeper on man-nature relationship. 艺术家惯用抽象的雕塑语言来探讨人与自然的联系,作品风格十分国际化。
His linguistic theories, the distinction between langue and parole in especial, is of great significance in linguistics. 从分析法学的视角看,把事实与价值区分开来,具有重大的理论意义。
Langue Teaching and Parole Teaching of English Teaching in Vocational Colleges CLT AND ITS IMPLICATION FOR ELT IN CHINESE SETTING 高职英语教学中语言教学和言语教学研究
Since modern industrial times, human langue has been becoming a utilitarianism tool subject to the technical senses. 由于近代工业社会的发展,在技术理性的束缚下,人类语言日益成为了功利指向的工具。
Eight queens chess problem is a famous theme in all kinds program design langue. 八皇后问题是各类语言程序设计中的较著名的题目。
Commentary on Gender Studies of Foreign Countries in Langue Teaching 国外对语言教学中的性别问题研究述评
From many aspects cultivate and improve the students to understanding C langue and grasping application ability. 从多方面培养和提高了学生对C语言知识的理解和掌握以及应用的能力。
The Distinction between Language and Speech ( Langue et Parole) and the Standardization of Language and Words 语言和言语的区分与语言文字规范化
The author believes that translation involves all factors in intercultural communication, especially, langue and parole, whereas dictionary annotation is attributed to langue. 翻译涉及跨文化交际中的所有因素,尤其是语言和言语因素,而词典释义属于语言范畴;
By LANGUE it is intrinsic, abstract and static, only existing in the mind of a language community; 语言性指语言的内在特征,它是抽象的、静止的,仅存在于某一语言社团全体成员的大脑内;
In order to reach the correct conclusion, the two linguistic concepts of F · D · Saussure Langue and parole are cited and at the same time, some relevant views on Chinese idioms have been expounded. 为能得出正确的结论,本文引用了瑞典语言学家F·D·索绪尔所提出的两个重要的语言学概念&语言和言语,同时对与此有关的汉语习用语的一些问题作了必要的阐述。
Language is double-natured: LANGUE and PAROLE. 语言具有双重特征:语言性和言语性。
Since Saussure made langue-parole distinction in his linguistic study, linguists and language practitioners have come to realize that foreign language teaching should involve two aspects, namely, langue and parole. 自瑞士语言学家索绪尔在语言学研究中提出语言&言语二分法后,语言学家和语言实践者们便渐渐意识到外语教学应该包括语言和言语这两个方面。
According to the combination of eye movement and cognitive psychology knowledge, we make statistical analyses from langue point and study the method of get fixation-chunk. 以眼动技术为依托,以认知心理学已有的眼动研究成果为支点,对汉语阅读注视块的获得方法做了初步探讨,并从语言学的角度对取得的注视块进行了客观的量化统计分析。
The learning of the second langue is necessary to most people in the modern society. 现代社会很多人要进行第二语言学习。
This "prefabricated structure in memory" is called "chunks" or "lexical chunks". The development of corpus-driven research provides researchers with a new way to explore a langue by bringing in a more objective frequency-based approach. 这种记忆中固定的结构被称为词块。基于语料库的研究引入了一种更为客观的基于频率的方法,为研究者们开辟了一种新的研究词块使用的方法。
Metalanguage is not only a language but also a tool which can be used in langue studies. 元语言作为一种语言,也是学习外语不可缺少的工具。
This system mainly contains two kinds of technology& database and programming langue. 本系统采用的主要技术包括数据库与编程语言两种。
In Chinese teaching, the integration of langue and parole is embodied in teaching goals, teaching objects, teaching process which is corresponded to language use, language works and language activity respectively. 语文教学中语言言语的统一体现在语文教学目标、语文教学对象和语文教学过程三个方面,分别与语言运用、语言作品和语言活动相对应。
The usage of langue and its development is closely with the development and change of that nationality. 语言的使用和变化与民族的发展和变化息息相关。