ADJ-GRADED 无精打采的;懒洋洋的;倦怠的 If you describe someone as languid, you mean that they show little energy or interest and are very slow and casual in their movements.
To his delight a familiar, tall, languid figure lowered itself down the steps of a club. 看到一个熟悉的高大身影沿着俱乐部的台阶无精打采地走下来,他高兴极了。
Time spent at Jumby Bay can be as energetic or as languid as you wish. 来琼比湾消磨时光,动静皆宜,尽可随心所欲。
It was a slow, pulsing rhythm that seemed to sway languidly in the air. 那是一种缓缓的律动,感觉像是慵懒地摇曳在空气中。
Because BAA controls all three airports, it has languidly added runways and terminals where they were easiest to build, on the assumption that people in time would have no choice but to use them. 由于BAA控制了全部三个机场,他们假定乘客赶时间没有别的选择而只能用他们的机场,很不情愿地增加了跑道和航站楼,而这对他们来说是最容易修建的。
He listened to the man expounding the slave-morality, and as he listened, he thought languidly of his own Nietzsche philosophy. 他听那人向他解释起奴隶道德,便懒懒地想起了自己的尼采哲学。
In the kitchen he found Jim, the other boarder, eating mush very languidly, with a sick, FAR-away look in his eyes. 他在厨房见到了另一个房客吉姆,那人正在懒洋洋地吃着玉米粥,眼里泛出厌烦的、心不在焉的神气。
Both bore languidly the indefinable burden of immaterial pleasures. 他俩昏昏沉沉地承受着这种非物质的快感的无限重压。
The piccolo peeped the tune, the violins sang languidly. 短笛若隐若现,小提琴浅吟低唱。
The men languidly put on their jackets. 男人们疲倦地穿上夹克衫。
Languidly, and with no thought of going in, I watched him, his hard little body, skinny and bare, saw him wince slightly as he pulled up around his vitals the small, soggy, icy garment. 我不想下水,懒洋洋地望着他,他的光裸的身躯瘦小而结实,穿上冰凉潮湿的短裤时,轻微地打起冷颤。
Just let it stay like this, I think, gazing at the huge mysterious shadows the trees conjure up on the shining green meadows, the cows languidly flicking their tails. 就让这样的天气持续下去吧,我这样想,同时注视着树木在绿油油的草地上投下的巨大而神秘的投影,还有怠倦地甩动尾巴的牛群。
He had been somewhat languidly drifting with events for the last fortnight, and letting May's fair looks and radiant nature obliterate the rather importunate pressure of the Mingott claims. 最近两个星期,他一直有点不由自主地随波逐流,以梅的漂亮容貌和光彩个性去对付明戈特家那些纠缠不休的要求。
Lin Pei-shan smiled at first, but, when she heard his last remark, she gave him an icy glare, snorted, and moved languidly away; 林佩珊先自微笑,听到最后一句,她忽然冷冷地瞥了范博文一眼,鼻子里轻轻一哼,就懒洋洋地走开了。
The waitress looked up languidly. 女侍懒洋洋地抬起头来。
In her stocking feet, she walked steadily, almost languidly, toward the phone. 她慢条斯理、厌倦不堪地走去接电话,脚上穿着袜子。
He moved languidly across the room. 他慢悠悠地穿过房间。
Pleasure boats cruise languidly around the sandbanks that dot the narrow channel leading to the Southern Ocean. 游船没精打采地绕着沙洲航行,它们点缀着通往南大洋的狭窄河道。
In the morning sunshine strokes his naked body, Jack opens his eyes languidly. 早晨的阳光抚摸他赤裸的身体,杰克懒懒地睁开眼睛。
June walked languidly on between the meadows and the river, with an ache in her heart. 琼懒懒地在草地和河岸之间走着,心里感到一种惆怅。
The virtuous reader may condemn her for showing too great regard to a base-born infant. Most of the pupils glanced up languidly, but there were two among them that watched his movements with intent eyes. 那些重视风纪道德的读者,说不定会怪她过分抬举了一个出身下贱的婴儿。大多数学生都漫不经心地抬起头看了一眼,但其中有两个人特别关注老师的一举一动。
The closeup love scenes-enormous blowups of Clift and Taylor kissing passionately-are so intimate as to languidly drown the viewer's emotions. 结尾克里夫和泰勒深情的吻别那一慕的放大,似乎是想再次打动观众。
Many on the right are convinced they are more in tune with the public than Mr Cameron's cautious, languidly metropolitan inner circle. 很多右派人士确信他们和公众更和谐,而非卡梅伦的小心翼翼、阴沉地大都市的核心集团。