He spent his early life in Sri Lanka before moving to England 在移居英格兰之前,他早年是在斯里兰卡度过的。
Sri Lanka's cricket team will play India in the final of the Asia Cup. 斯里兰卡板球队将在亚洲杯的决赛中对阵印度队。
Dean Jones is with the Australian touring team in Sri Lanka. 迪安·琼斯正随澳大利亚巡回赛队在斯里兰卡。
Burma is northeast of Sri lanka. 缅甸位于斯里兰卡的东北方。
The dividends are visible in the quantum leap in relations with Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. 与尼泊尔,不丹,孟加拉国,斯里兰卡这些国家的关系取得巨大的突破,从这获得的红利是看得见的。
Russia has bought 71 tonnes of gold this year, while there have been small purchases by Mauritius, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. 俄罗斯今年购入71吨黄金,而毛里求斯、泰国、孟加拉和斯里兰卡也进行了少量购买。
All appear to drop considerably to Japan, Hong Kong, United States, Russia and sri lanka exit. 对日本、香港、美国、俄罗斯和斯里兰卡出口均出现大幅下降。
A branch of the Indo-European language family that comprises the languages of the Indian subcontinent and Sri lanka. 印度语支印欧语系的一支,由印度次大陆和斯里兰卡的一些语言组成。
These are Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Macau, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. 这几个市场是孟加拉国、文莱、澳门、新西兰、巴基斯坦、菲律宾和斯里兰卡。
The sea behind our ancestral house at Hikkaduwa on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka was my friend. 我家的祖屋位于斯里兰卡西南海岸的Hikkaduwa,而房子后面的大海就是我的朋友,是她听我讲话,给我带来安慰,同时她也令我着迷。
A bad monsoon has reduced production prospects in India and Sri Lanka, two other major exporters. 降雨不足降低了其他两个主要茶叶出口国&印度和斯里兰卡的产量预期。
Countries including China, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam are intensively seeking to commercialise nanotechnology. 包括中国、印度、斯里兰卡、泰国和越南在内的一些国家正在强烈地寻求把纳米技术商业化。
The report titled In Pursuit of Justice notes that only four South Asian countries-Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, and Bangladesh-have laws specifically prohibiting domestic violence. 这篇名为“追求正义”的报告指出,南亚国家中只有斯里兰卡、印度、尼泊尔和孟加拉这4个国家特别为禁止家庭暴力设立了法律。
Beijing is a more significant trade partner for every country in Asia, except for Nepal and Sri Lanka. 除尼泊尔和斯里兰卡外,中国是亚洲每一个国家更重要的贸易伙伴。
One from Sri Lanka athletes De Lee Andy Lau to a song and martial arts was a direct certification. 一位来自斯里兰卡的选手阿德以一首刘德华的歌曲和一套武术表演获得直通证。
They recommend the Hib vaccine for Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. 他们建议为阿富汗、孟加拉国、不丹、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡的儿童接种Hib疫苗。
Tea was transplanted from China to India and Sri Lanka. 茶树是从中国移种到印度和斯里兰卡的。
Seemingly in response, Sri Lanka has cancelled$ 200 million in weapons orders from Pakistan and China. 在表面上响应中,斯里兰卡已经取消从巴基斯坦和中国2亿美元的武器订购。
Confucius Institutes appear quickly to promote chinese language in Sri Lanka and Nigeria. 孔子学院在斯里兰卡和尼日利亚等地迅速出现以推广汉语。
Actually, our Headquarters is in Sri Lanka at the moment. 事实上,我们的总部目前在斯里兰卡。
Although the J-10 has yet been offered to the export market, many countries including Pakistan, Thailand, and Sri Lanka have already expressed their interests in this fighter. 虽然J-10仍然已经被提供到出口市场,包括巴基斯坦、泰国和斯里兰卡等许多国家已经表示它们对这一种战斗机的兴趣。
We stayed at this amazing island for8 days all inclusive and then went off to Sri Lanka. 哟!我们住在这8天惊人的包括一切岛屿,然后去了斯里兰卡。
More recently, India, Saudi Arabia, Russia and the Philippines have announced big additions to their official gold reserves, while others, from Sri Lanka to Bangladesh, have made smaller purchases. 后来,印度、沙特阿拉伯、俄罗斯和菲律宾都宣布大幅增加了官方黄金储备,而斯里兰卡和孟加拉国等其它国家也购入了少量黄金。
China, Russia and India have acquired large amounts of gold in recent years, while Thailand, Sri Lanka and Bolivia have made smaller purchases. 中国、俄罗斯和印度近些年都买进了大量黄金,泰国、斯里兰卡和玻利维亚也做出了规模较小的采购。
Other countries with rising wealth gaps include India, Cambodia and Sri Lanka. 这些正在拉大贫富差距的国家包括:印度、柬埔寨和斯里兰卡。
The governors represented 18 countries, from Mongolia and South Korea in the north to Sri Lanka and Fiji in the south, but not China, Japan or India. 这些央行行长来自北至蒙古和韩国、南至斯里兰卡和斐济的18个亚洲国家,但中国、日本和印度未派人出席。
Bob: I know there are many elephants in Sri Lanka, so he has the adequate raw materials. 我知道斯里兰卡有很多大象,那他就有充足的原料了。
Sri Lanka is a protean and wonderful paradise. 斯里兰卡是一个千变万化和精彩万分的人间天堂。