TCP/ IP is the suite of protocols used by the Internet and most LANs throughout the world. TCP/IP是互联网和大多数局域网所采用的一组协议。
This enables one physical adapter card to appear as multiple virtual network interface cards ( vNICs) and virtual host bus adapters ( vHBAs) to networking resources ( LANs and SANs). 这让一个物理适配器卡可以作为多个虚拟网络接口卡(vNIC)和虚拟主机总线适配器(vHBA)出现,为资源提供网络连接(LAN和SAN)。
The Network Manager administers IP forwarding, network bridges, and virtual LANs. NetworkManager负责管理IP转发、网桥和虚拟局域网。
Although related, virtual LANs ( VLANs) are a physical method for network virtualization. 虽然相关,但是虚拟LANs(VLANs)是网络虚拟化的物理方法。
Different network virtualization includes network interface cards ( NICs) at hardware level and virtual LANs ( VLANs) at network level. 网络虚拟化技术包括硬件级的网络接口卡(NIC)和网络级的虚拟LAN(VLAN)。
Multi-homed SCTP, combined with redundant LANs, allows for the reinforcement of local endpoint access. Multi-homedSCTP和冗余的LAN一道,考虑到了对本地端点访问的增强。
WANs are groups of LANs connected together with communications links from a service provider. 广域网路是一群本地区域网路经由一个服务供给者接在一起的的通讯链结。
For example, there are enterprises that want to extend their wireless LANs outdoors. 例如,一些企业要把自己的无线局域网扩展到户外。
That means traffic cannot be routed between fast Ethernet LANs. 这意味着信息流不能在快速以太局域网之间流通。
Workgroup and departmental LANs are constructed as flat networks using Layer 2 switching. 工作组和部门局域网被建成一种利用第二层交换的简单网。
The IEEE 802 committee is looking at possible enhancements to Ethernet, such as packet prioritization, to support QoS in switched LANs. IEEE802委员会也在研究对以太网的增强,如包优先级化,以在交换局域网中支持QoS。
A new generation of wireless Ethernet technology could raise the bar for wireless LANs. 新一代无线以太网技术可能为无线局域网打开了绿灯。
New Standard for Wireless LANs 新的无线局域网标准
Virtual LANs ( VLANs) are another commonly used network virtualization concept. 虚拟局域网(VLANs)是另一个普遍使用的网络虚拟化概念。
A new control method of PAN/ TILT and LANS in video monitoring system was given. 给出了视频监控系统中的一种新的云台、镜头控制方法。
Internetworking evolved as a solution to three key problems: isolated LANs, duplication of resources, and a lack of network management. 网络作为解决三大关键问题而发展:孤立的局域网,重复的资源和缺乏网络管理。
Emerging data-intensive, video and collaborative computing applications will not tolerate the bandwidth or timing limitations of shared-media LANs. 正在兴起的数据密集、视频图像和协同计算应用将不能容忍共享介质式局域网的带宽或分时限制。
During transmission, they employ special collision-avoidance and arrival-acknowledgment techniques that are not required in wired Ethernet LANs. 在传输过程中,他们采用有线以太网不需要的、特殊的避免碰撞和到达应答技术。
In general, a VLAN is used to break up large Layer 2 LANs into smaller segments. 一般而言,VLAN是用来把大的第2层局域网分解成小一些的网段。
Two Basic network types are local area networks ( LANs) and wide-area networks. 两种基本的网络类型是区域性网络(LAN)和广域网络。
Today's LANs and internetworks provide only a single service to the desktop: best effort delivery of datagrams. 今天的局域网和互联网对桌面系统只提供单一服务:最佳地交付数据报文。
Bridges makes multiple LANs appear to the upper layers as a single LAN. 网桥使多个局域网在上层表现为单个局域网。
There are two categories of networks: local area networks ( LANs) and wide area networks ( WANs). 网络有两类:局域网(LANs)和广域网(WAN)。
The transmission bandwidths in corporate networks ( LANs) are increasing; 企业网络(LANs)的传输带宽正在不断增加;
The WANs and LANs really differ in technologies but not in size. WANS和LANS实际上是在技术上的差异,而并非在规模上的差异。
Typically these wireless LANs provide links from laptops to wired LANs via access points. 通常,无线区域网路是透过存取点让笔记型电脑连结到有线区域网路。
Besides the electromagnetic fields created by mobile-phone networks and wireless LANs, ultrafine particles emitted by cars and trucks may also be to blame. 除了移动电话网络和无线局域网产生的电磁场之外,汽车和卡车排放的超细颗粒也是一个原因。
Users and analysts involved in implementing high-speed LANs have learned the benefits of each. 参与实现高速局域网的用户和分析人员都知道这两种技术的优势。