But what you don't know is that that sweater is not just blue, it's not turquoise, it's not lapis, it's actually cerulean. 但是你不知道这件毛衣不只是蓝色的而已,它不是松石绿,不是靛蓝,恰恰就是天蓝色。
The bare vaulting of trees along the Mall was ceiled with lapis lazuli, and arched above snow that shone like splintered crystals. 碧蓝的天空衬托着林阴大道上那些树木光秃秃的圆顶,树顶下面的残雪像无数水晶碎片熠熠闪光。
The content of barium in lapis lazuli was successfully determined by oxygen-enriched shield flame atomic absorption spectrometry. 采用富氧屏蔽火焰原子吸收光谱法成功地测定天青石中钡含量。
I set a course for the Swan palace of Lapis and gold. 我定了到由石头和黄金建成的天鹅宫的航向。
This paper studies on the coloration mechanism of lapis lazuli ore ( I) in Afghanistan, lapis lazuli pigment ( I) and artificial ultramarine ( III) in Dunhuang Grottoes. 研究了阿富汗青金石矿石、敦煌石窟青金石颜料、合成群青的呈色机理。
Legend has it that Lapis Lazuli would protect the wearer from evil. 传说彩色蓝宝石将保护穿着者免遭邪恶。
Featuring painting, illumination and calligraphy, the imagery is worked in bright color predominantly lapis and several tones of gold. 图像的色彩绚丽,主要为天青石色,亦配有几种不同色调的金色。
For example, ultramarine, made by the grinding of lapis lazuli, and red pigments made of sulphur and silver, were admired for their cost. 如由天青石研磨制成的佛青色、用硫和银制成的红颜料,因其高昂的费用而倍受青睐。
It is said that Lapis helps one understand the mind. 有人说,青金石有助于了解心。
Some of these species commonly found in mineral shops are fluorite, opals, lapis, malachite and jade. 一般能在矿物商店里找到的这类物种,有一些是萤石、蛋白石、青金石、孔雀石和玉石。
The clinical application of Lapis Chloriti medicine-botanical origins from the biotite and chlorite schist and mica schist carbonate. 临床应用的青礞石药材的基源应为黑云母片岩和绿泥石化云母碳酸盐片岩。
Lapis Lazuli: Strengthens the immune system. 6th chakra. 天青石:有助于强化免疫系统。用于第六个穴位。
In healing, Lapis Lazuli is used to alleviate pain, especially that of migraine headaches. 在愈合,彩色蓝宝石是用来减轻疼痛,特别是偏头痛。
Hence, this stone is regarded as rare type of lapis and should have largo vista in the world market. 易彩黑花岗石被认为是石材中的珍稀品种,在世界市场上有极为广阔的前景。
Swimming about the capstone, which the Arizona diver thought looked like lapis lazuli, he discovered an entranceway and decided to explore further. 绕着顶石游,亚利桑拿州潜水者认为其看起来像天青石,他发现一个入口而决定进一步探索。
Swimming around the capstone, which Brown thought might have been Lapis lazuli, he discovered an entrance and decided to explore inside. 在顶石周围游来游去,布朗认为是天青石,他发现一个入口而决定探究里面。
It's not turquoise. it's not lapis. 它不是青绿,也不是石绿。
Blue pigment made of powdered lapis lazuli. 由粉末状天青石制成的蓝色颜料。
Lapis was a cure for melancholy and for certain types of fever. 青金石是一种治疗忧郁和某些类型的发烧。
Gold was frequently decorated with three colors of cornelian, turquoise lapis lazuli. 黄金常常装饰三种颜色的玛瑙,绿松石青金石。
Analysis of Lapis Micae Aureus and Lapis Chloriti by IR Spectra 矿物药金礞石、青礞石的红外光谱分析
The Swiss Abroad Concerning the Provenance of Lapis Lazuli 侨居国外的瑞士人
PIXE analysis of the ancient lapis lazuli pigment 古代青金石颜料的质子激发X荧光分析
Experimental results show that lapis lazuli specimens of different qualities have different compo-sitions and structures. 实验结果显示了不同质地青金石的不同成分组成和微观结构特征。
Analysis of SEM on the lapis lazuli pigment of ancient China 中国古代青金石颜料的电镜分析
Proton induced X-ray emission ( PIXE), X-ray diffraction ( XRD), Laser raman spectroscopy ( LRS) and scanning electron microscope ( SEM) are used to study the mineralogy of several lapis lazuli samples from Afghanistan, Baikal of Russia and other places. 利用质子激发X射线荧光(PIXE)、X射线衍射(XRD)、激光拉曼光谱(LRS)以及扫描电镜(SEM)技术对来自阿富汗、俄罗斯贝加尔湖等地的几个青金石样品进行了岩石矿物学特征分析。
The result indicates that the EPR signal of ultramarine, lapis lazuli and artificial ultramarine should be the overlapping signal of two kinds of sulphur free radicals. 因此,群青、青金石和合成群青的EPR信号应是两种硫自由基信号的重叠。