Analysis of Yield Stability of New Late-ripening Winter Wheat Varieties from Eastern Gansu Province by AMMI Model 利用AMMI模型分析甘肃陇东晚熟冬小麦新品种产量稳定性
Good weather during the harvest, making it possible to wait for late-ripening plots and late-maturing grape varieties to reach their peak without any risk of dilution or rot. 收成期气候良好且持久,在没有雨水和霉菌的困扰下,部分晚熟的区域果实在这期间发育到最佳的状态。
Large late-ripening apple with skin striped with yellow and red. 个头大的、果皮黄红相间的晚熟苹果。
Study on Dark Red Flesh Sport from Red Sun Kiwifruit and Late-ripening Sport from Zao Xia Lu Peach 红阳猕猴桃全红型及早霞露桃晚熟型芽变的研究
A New Late-ripening White-flesh Sweet Nectarine Variety& 'Qinguang 2' 早熟油桃品种‘双喜红’晚熟白肉甜油桃新品种&秦光2号
Study on the Late-ripening from 'Zao Xia Lu' Peach 对‘早霞露’桃迟熟型芽变的研究
Effects of environmental factors on the progress of defoliation dormancy and flowering of late-ripening cultivar of Prunus persica 环境因素对晚熟桃落叶休眠与开花进程的影响