From this chariot stepped the gifted wife of Sir John Lavery. 约翰·拉威利先生才华出众的太太从这辆车中姗然而下。
Later, Lavery said of his unusual pupil: "Had he chosen painting instead of statesmanship, I believe he would have been a great master with the brush." 后来提及他的这位特殊的学生,拉威利说:“倘若他选择绘画而不是从政,我相信他会是位绘画大师的。”
At that time, John Lavery a Churchill neighbor and celebrated painter was tutoring Churchill in his art. 那时,约翰·拉威利丘吉尔的邻居,一位有名的画家正教丘吉尔学画。