It would be very hard for a Jew to think of anyone as being greater than Moses, the law-giver. 犹太人非常尊重颁布律法的摩西,很难想像会有另一个人能超越他。
2dly, My People were perfectly subjected: I was absolute Lord and Law-giver; they all owed their Lives to me, and were ready to lay down their Lives, if there had been Occasion of it, for me. 他们对我都感恩戴德,因为他们的性命都是我救下来的。假如有必要,他们个个都甘心情愿为我献出他们自己的生命。
Law and the law-giver are one. 法则和执法者是一体的。
Furthermore, Natural Laws such as Gravity, Inverse Squares, Cause and Effect, and Thermodynamics imply a Law-giver. 此外,自然的法则,如重力,逆平方定律,因果关系,以及热力学意味着必有法则的赋予者。
I may not deny the law or the law-giver because I know so little about it or Him. 我不否认法则或执法者的存在,因为我对它或者他所知甚少。
It was embodied not only in Kant's thought that the intellect was the law-giver of nature and that the person was a purpose but not a means, but also in the fact that Fichte discussed the freedom and will deeply. 具体表现为康德的知性为自然立法、人是目的而不是手段,以及费希特对自由问题的深刻认识。