ADJ-GRADED 懒惰的;懒散的 If someone is lazy, they do not want to work or make any effort to do anything.
Lazy and incompetent police officers are letting the public down... 懒惰兼无能的警官令公众失望。
I was too lazy to learn how to read music. 我太懒,没有学识谱。
ADJ-GRADED 令人精神松弛的;令人懒洋洋的 You can use lazy to describe an activity or event in which you are very relaxed and which you do or take part in without making much effort.
Her latest novel is perfect for a lazy summer's afternoon reading... 在慵懒的夏日午后阅读她的最新小说最合适不过了。
We would have a lazy lunch and then lie on the beach in the sun. 我们会慵懒地吃顿午饭,然后躺在沙滩上晒太阳。
ADJ 徐徐的;缓缓的 If you describe something as lazy, you mean that it moves or flows slowly and gently.
...a valley of rolling farms spread out along a lazy river. 山谷里的农田起伏绵延,旁边一条溪水缓缓而过
...the lazy, loose grace of the born athlete. 这位天生的运动员悠然放松的优雅姿态
Goldfish were swimming lazily in a group just under the surface. 金鱼聚在一起贴着水面懒洋洋地游着。
Elaine turned and waved her hand lazily and left. 伊莱恩转过身,懒懒地挥了一下手就走了。
Finally, the BrowserPlugin class is registered as a plug-in to allow it to be loaded lazily. 最后,BrowserPlugin类作为一个插件被注册,允许被懒加载。
Lets you store "lazily immutable" data, which are involved in declarative application programming; peak. peak.config让您可以存储“很少改变的(lazilyimmutable)”数据,这些数据与声明性应用程序(declarativeapplication)编程有关;
In this article, learn to create a lazily loaded Dojo tree using the REST API-based Dojo store JsonRestStore. 在本文中,学习使用基于RESTAPI的Dojo存储JsonRestStore创建一个延迟加载的Dojo树。
Our implementation fetches the process and business data lazily on demand. 我们实现上会根据需要惰性地提取流程和业务数据。
They drift about lazily with the currents, providing a basic food for many larger animals. 它们随波逐流,为许多较大的动物提供了基本的食物。
When at last they could eat no more, the Mole lay back and watched the river lazily. 最后他们再也吃不下了,鼹鼠躺倒在地,懒懒地看着河水。
'Please undo your spur quickly!' He bent down to pull rather lazily at his boots. 请你赶快松开你的马刺!他弯腰慢慢地拉他的靴子。
Mr. Brown stretched his arms lazily. 布朗先生洋洋地伸展胳臂。
Kids who were sitting lazily at their desks immediately straightened up. 懒懒地倚着课桌的孩子们立刻挺直了腰板。
Occasionally somebody would jump up and rip a handful of tape off the lazily clicking ticker machine. 偶尔会有人突然站起身来,从发出懒洋洋滴答声的股票报价器上撕下一把报价单。
No wonder she's always lazily climbing on the eucalyptus tree. 难怪它总是懒洋洋地爬在桉树上。
This little corner, she thought lazily, is just like a battlefield trench. 这个角落呀,她懒懒地遐想着,真象一个黑暗中的战壕。
Dauphin is sitting on the chair lazily, he is looking a letter. 王太子查理懒散地坐在椅子上,正把玩着一封信。
Thomas looked at it lazily. 托马斯漫不经心地向它看了一眼。
Bob, who have no intention of work, lean lazily on his spade. 鲍伯不想干活,懒洋洋地倚在铁铲上。
Not I was alone in a small boat which was drifting along lazily, past tree-covered islands 此刻,我是独自坐在一只小船上,它慢吞吞地向前漂去,经过一些树木丛生的岛屿
Words, any words, your laughter; and you so lazily. 词语,任何词语,你的笑声;你的慵懒。
A dog blinking lazily at the fire; 在火旁懒洋洋眨眼的狗;
A fat Parson's chameleon lies lazily on a branch, beady eyes scanning for dinner. 一位胖教区长[1]的变色龙懒洋洋的趴在枝干上,一对明亮的小眼睛在寻找晚餐。
She stood outside the shop in sunlight and sauntered lazily to the right. 她在店外的阳光底下站了一会儿,就懒洋洋地朝右踱去。
It was disconcerting weather, people yawned long and lazily, feeling languorous and happy at the same time. 一种使人不知怎样好的天气,大家打着懒长的哈欠,疲倦而又痛快。
Critics accused him of being rambling, repetitious, sometimes incoherent and lazily autobiographical. 评论家指责他文风冗长含糊且反复,批评他时有的语无伦次和怠惰的自传体风格。
She reclined lazily on the cushions. 她懒洋洋地靠在靠垫上。
She lied back lazily in her chair and said, That's great. 她懒懒地往椅子上一仰说,这很好。
Sometimes a seal swims lazily past through the urban water landscape. 有时一只海豹慵懒地游过这城市水景。
He stirred and stretched lazily. 他动了动,懒洋洋地舒展了一下身体。
Lazily he stood up, glanced at her and went over to help. 很懒的他立起来,看了她一眼,走过去帮忙。
For lazily evaluated functions, there are now two options. 对于需要延迟执行的函数,目前有了两个选择。