The definition of usability states that usability is a combination of five quality attributes, including learnability and efficiency of use. 可用性是由五个部份组成的,包括:可学习性和效率。
It gives an overall score and sub-scores on efficiency, affect, helpfulness, control and learnability. 该问卷对系统的效率、影响力,友好度,可控性和可学习性给于总分和小分。
Alon, N., et al. "Scale Sensitive Dimensions, Uniform Convergence, and Learnability." Symposium on Foundation of Computer Science ( 1993). 等人著,(1993年),〈维感应数,均匀收敛性研究和可学习性〉见《基础电脑科学评论集》。
L2 Chinese Acquisition of Unaccusative Verbs and Psych Verbs: A Study on the Superset-subset Relation to Learnability 汉语非宾格动词和心理动词的习得研究兼论超集子集关系与可学习性
Learnability score reflects the users perception on how easy it is to learn and start using the software with the help of manuals and tutorial materials. 最后,可学习性得分则反映了用户感觉到他们通过帮助手册和指南材料学习软件的难以程度。
Finally, although a metaphor offers a small boost in learnability to first-time users, it exacts a tremendous cost after they become intermediates. 最后,虽然隐喻在提高新手用户学习能力的方面是一个小的进步,但当新手用户成为中间用户之后,却要付出很大代价。
An Empirical Study of Chinese Learners 'Learnability and Acquisition of Wh-questions 中国学习者对英语Wh-问句的可习得性实验研究
This means that the efficiency of any given operation takes a back seat to the discoverability and learnability of the feature. 这说明任何的指定的可高效操作不得不让位给那些对功能上有学习帮助和容易被发现的设计原则。
Researches on Learnability of OT Grammar OT语法的可学性研究
To study the Learnability Theory; 对可学性原理的研究;
This thesis first of all reviews the relevant literature, among which are the Learnability Theory, some cognitive theories, and views on transfer, explicit/ implicit linguistic knowledge, and learning and communication strategies. 本文首先回顾了相关的理论背景,包括可习性理论、认知学理论、有关语言迁移、显性/隐性语言知识和学习策略及交际策略的理论。
A Tentative Study of the Learnability Problem Concerning the Learning of English Gerunds 英语动名词可学得性问题初探
Forth, help the learners develop the learnability; 第四,培养学习者举一反三的能力;
Language Learnability and Computational Models of Language Acquisition 语言可学性与语言习得的计算模式
Factors affecting the learnability of verb-noun collocation include complexity of collocation, complexity of synonyms, psychological consideration of collocation, similarity and difference between mother tongue and target language, learning strategies and classroom instruction and materials. 而造成受试者搭配能力不足的原因主要是:搭配的复杂性、近义词的复杂性、搭配习得过程的心理因素、母语和目标语的差异、学习策略及教学因素。
A Tentative Study of the Learnability Problem on the Learning of English Tough Constructions by Chinese EFL Learners 英语Tough结构可习得性问题初探
Learnability of the interpersonal periphrastic causative construction of have largely lies in whether learners are sensitive to its semantic selectional restrictions. Have兼语式人际使役结构的可学得性很大程度上取决于学习者对该结构的语义限制条件是否敏感。
Factors That Affect Word Learnability 影响英语词汇学习的词内因素
The present study investigates, within the framework of semantics and syntax correspondence, the L2 acquisition of Chinese unaccusative verbs by adult English-speaking learners, which pose a linking problem for theoretical linguists and a learnability problem for L2 learners. 本论文在语义-句法关联理论的大框架下研究成人英语母语者对汉语非宾格动词的第二语言习得过程。
Meanwhile, the present investigation further confirms the prediction of learnability, which deepens our understanding of language development. 同时,研究结果进一步论证了可学性原则,加深了我们对语言发展过程的了解。
Compared with traditional security model like intrusion detection, honeypot are more proactive, more interactive and has more learnability. 蜜罐与入侵检测等传统的安全模型相比,更具有主动性、交互性和学习性。
It is notable that their awareness of avoiding CNLP is significantly obvious which proves the developability and learnability of metaphorical competence and CNLP can be finally avoided. 值得肯定的是,他们对隐性不地道现象的回避意识是较为显著的,证明隐喻能力是可学可发展的,隐性不地道现象是可以尽量避免的。