I got on famously with Leary from the first time we met. 我和利里第一次见面就相处甚欢。
'Children absolutely need to feel valued, accepted and loved, and this will lead to high self-esteem,'Dr. Leary says. 利里博士表示:孩子们绝对需要那种被尊重、被接纳和被爱的感受,而这些将带来较高的自我认可度。
Leary, alone, had apparently jumped off a sandstone tower called West Temple and tried to fly through a gap in the Three Marys, a set of statue-like formations resembling chess pieces. 很显然,他是从一个叫做西寺的砂岩山尖上跳下,并试图穿过三个玛丽之间的空隙。三个玛丽是一组像雕塑一样的岩石构造,像棋子一样排列在一起。
Brian Leary, a Secret Service spokesman, declined to comment and referred inquiries to the Justice Department. 特勤局发言人布赖恩·利里(BrianLeary)拒绝发表评论,并表示应询问司法部。
This sensitivity to others 'views evolved because of humans' need for social acceptance, which in ancient times could be critical to survival, Dr. Leary says. 利里博士表示,这种对他人观点的敏感度是因为人类需要社会的接纳而进化而来,,社会的接纳在远古社会有可能攸关生死。
However, the American judge ruled that Leary had won. 但是美国裁判却判利里获胜。
That trip gave Mr O 'Leary a blueprint for Ryanair that he has implemented with zeal since becoming chief executive in 1994. 通过那次考察,奥莱利为瑞安航空画了一份蓝图。自1994年成为瑞安首席执行官以来,他一直满怀热忱地实现这一蓝图。
And now, here with the sports news is Kevin leary. 现在这里有凯文利里播报体育新闻。
Mr O 'Leary will give the eventual winner of Redemption Inc C$ 100,000 ( US$ 98,000) out of his own pocket as seed capital. 奥利里将自掏腰包,为《救赎公司》的最终获胜者提供10万加元(合9.8万美元)的启动资金。
Marriage and children do, however, appear to have mellowed Mr O 'Leary. 不过,婚姻和子女似乎确实让奥莱利变得成熟了。
The next venture could be Kevin O 'Leary credit cards. 下一个项目将是发行凯文奥利里信用卡。
Another leader of the event was Timothy Leary. 这次活动的另外一个组织者是蒂莫西?利瑞。
On the Underground Internet Based on the Leary Feeder System 基于漏泄通信系统的井下Internet网络