This altered form of Tiberium does not seem to have any of the beneficial side effects of its land-based counterparts ( i.e.the leeching of useful elements). 这种变异了的泰伯利亚似乎和它的陆地同类不同,对人类没有任何积极意义(例如,吸取有用的矿物元素)。
So, right there you can see there are ways to increase orb drops, and that's outside of other leeching type skills, regen skills, etc. 所以你可以看到,还是有方法可以增加掉出的生命回复球的,别说还有其他的吸取类和回复类技能了。
Furthermore, the collective energy flow of the corporation allows for the leeching of chi by other humanoid races in other star systems. 而且大公司的集体能量流允许其它星系的人类对气的榨取。
Its especially designed for leeching pictures but can be used for any files. 它专为附加图片设计,但是也可以用于其它文件。
If a torrent you are currently leeching/ seeding is not listed on your profile, just wait or force a manual update. 如果你正在下载/作种的资源没有在你的配置页面列出,请耐心等待或者手动刷新。
It's important to distinguish between your overall ratio and the individual ratio on each torrent you may be seeding or leeching. 把你的整体上传下载比例和单个文件的上传下载比例区别开始是很重要的。
Now, though, leeching is spreading through the class system: from the royals to the Middletons and downwards. 然而如今,吸血文化已经扩展至各个阶层:从皇室到米德尔顿家族及以下的阶层。
Maybe it's just me, but I have never thought that leeching or having leechers follow me around all day doing nothing but picking up the loot from my kills was a whole lot of fun. 或许这只是我,但我从来没有想到有一些玩家整天跟着捡我杀死怪后掉下的物品是一种乐趣。
After Western Han dynasty, the Confucian school acquired an exclusive honorable status, the orthodox thought of individual-society relationship was taking integrative consciousness seriously, ignoring individual sense, individual leeching on to society. 西汉以后,儒学获得独尊地位,个人与社会的思想是重整体意识,忽视个体意识,个人依附于社会;