Rarely do schoolteachers have leeway to teach classes the way they want 鲜有学校老师可随心所欲地教书的情况。
The President said that he wanted to give states more leeway to pursue their own health-care reforms. 总统说他希望给各州更多的医疗改革空间。
He just could not make up the leeway from the earlier stages in which Ryan scored well. 瑞安在前几轮得分很高,他现在再想赶也赶不上了。
Banks have a certain amount of leeway when reporting trading results. 银行在公布交易业绩方面通常会有一定的回旋余地。
Give them a little leeway and wait for them to reply you and try again the next day or even the next week if you have the time to wait. 给他们留一些余地,等待他们的回复,如果你实在没时间等了,第二天甚至第二个礼拜再试着联系他们。
Governments should also use whatever fiscal leeway they have to boost employment, for example by cutting payroll taxes. 政府也应当调动手中一切财政自由空间来推动就业,比如降低工资税。
This gives Mr. Zhang leeway to invest in private companies like Blue Moon, a Chinese consumer goods producer. 这给张磊提供了空间,让他可以更方便地投资给私人公司,比如中国消费品生产商蓝月亮。
German firms certainly have plenty of leeway, after practising wage restraint for the past decade. 在过去十年实行的薪酬限制,让德国公司确信它们还有转圜的余地。
To give themselves more leeway, bigger developers have turned away from fickle onshore financing to international bond markets. 为了给自己多一些灵活应对的余地,大的房产开放商已经从不稳定的境内融资转向了国际证券市场。
The debate over how much leeway to give private aid groups is an important one for China. 在中国,有关应该给民间援助团体留下多大活动余地的问题受到热烈讨论。
Germany should allow the European Central Bank greater leeway to intervene in the secondary bond markets. 德国应该赋予欧洲央行(ecb)在干预债券二级市场上更大的自主权。
A quarter of an hour should be enough leeway. 留出一刻钟的富余时间足够了。
Second, central banks should use existing leeway in their monetary policy. 其次,央行应该利用货币政策现有的灵活性。
I hope you would leave us some leeway in terms of payment. 我希望在付款条件方面你们能通融一些。
The military men will be left some leeway to choose the exact time for attack. 将留有一定自由度让作战人员来选择进攻的确切时间。
Its current account surplus and strong fiscal position provided the macro policy leeway to make any slowdown strictly temporary. 其经常项目盈余和强劲的财政状况为宏观政策提供了回旋的余地,使得任何形式的经济放缓严格来讲都只是暂时现象。
And after frenzied lobbying, US accounting regulators generously gave banks far more leeway over how they should price "toxic" assets on their balance sheets. 而且,在热火朝天的游说之后,美国会计准则监管机构对银行估价资产负债表上“有毒”资产的方式,慷慨地给予了更宽松的选择余地。
Without an agreement, the antitrust laws allow manufacturers substantial leeway in selecting the dealers with whom they deal. 若不存在协定,反托拉斯法允许制造商有实质性区别地选择其愿意与之交易的代理商。
We need some leeway if we are to act effectively. 如果我们想使行动富有成效的话我们需要有一些伸缩余地。
This gives greater leeway for the government to continue to use monetary policies to boost economic growth. 这使政府在继续动用货币政策提振经济增长时拥有更大回旋余地。
Suppliers 'leeway to offer deals has been clipped by their own costs rising. 自身成本的上升也挤压了供应商提供优惠合约的空间。
This means keeping the goals largely the same but giving firms and their auditors more leeway in achieving them. 这意味着保持目标不变但是给予公司及其审计人员更多的回旋余地来实现这一目标。
She's been off school for a month, so she has a lot of leeway to make up. 她一个月没上学了,有许多课业要补上。
This will give us more leeway. 定上这样一条可以让我们的时间充裕一点。
They understand how I construct steps and I give them a lot of leeway and sometimes actually give them very little instructions and they fill in the blanks. 他们了解我是如何构造舞步的,我给他们很多回旋的余地,事实上很多时候我只给他们非常少的指点,由他们自己来填补空白。
England and Wales while also recognising entrapment as an offence, do leave some leeway for the prosecution. 英格兰和威尔士都认为钓鱼执法属违法行为,但也给原告留了余地。
These will give banks more leeway in how they value certain assets whose prices have plunged. 这将使银行在为某些价格大幅下跌的资产估价时有更大的回旋余地。
Working with directors like Chen and Zhang who allow her the freedom and leeway to create her characters. 能继续同陈凯歌和张艺谋那样的导演合作,因为他们能给她塑造人物的自由空间和发挥演技的余地。
Because they are nothing, plays the part no she choose leeway. 因为自己什么都不是,演的角色根本没有她挑选的余地。
The train was late, and we had an hour's leeway to make up. 火车晚点了,我们得把1小时的损失时间补上。