The social cachet of the Episcopal Church, a major WASP institution, drained away as its clergy turned its major energies to leftish causes. 美国公会(EpiscopalChurch)作为一个主要的WASP机构,随着它的神职人员把主要精力转向左倾事业,其社会威望也逐渐丧失了。
An even smaller group ( considered very radical and leftish) believed, if there were no foreign intervention, that the war would go on for twenty, thirty and even fifty years. 更少的人(被认为思想非常激进和左倾的)认为,如果没有外国的干涉,战争将继续二、三十年以至五十年。
Not too long ago much of polite society in Edinburgh, Glasgow or Aberdeen saw the SNP as a collection of leftish cranks. 不久以前,爱丁堡、格拉斯哥或阿伯丁上流社会的许多人还把苏格兰民族党视为一群左翼怪人。
In politics his sympathies were with conservatism, albeit of a leftish sort. 在政治上,他的观点与保守党一致,尽管这是一个左翼党派。
Sure, some leftish billionaires like George Soros have been railing against income inequality for years. 当然左翼百万符文乔治-索罗斯多年以来一直反对收入不均衡。
The germination of capitalism in Ming Dynasty brings to the upspring of leftish WANG Yangming doctrine and prosperity of civil literature, which produces the significant influences to FENG. 明代资本主义萌芽,带来哲学上王学左派的兴起与文学上市民文学的繁荣,对冯梦龙的情爱观产生重要影响。