She's in good company: Other show-biz ladies of the southpaw persuasion include Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie ( her husband Brad Pitt is also a lefty). 其他与她同为女性左撇子的名人也都非常出众,包括乌比·戈德堡、茱莉亚·罗伯茨和安吉丽娜·朱莉(朱莉的老公布拉德·皮特也是左撇子)。
Curie, who discovered the principles of radioactivity and won two Nobel Prizes, was married to fellow lefty Pierre Curie, who was instrumental in helping Marie's atomic research and shared one of her Nobel awards. 居里夫人发现了放射原理,两次获得了诺贝尔奖,她嫁给了同为左撇子的科学家皮耶尔·居里,他对居里夫人的原子研究给予了很大的帮助,还和他的夫人分享了一项诺贝尔奖。
Use the opposite hand: If you're right-handed, become a lefty for the day. 换手做事:如果你是右撇子,用左手做一天事。
Bruno thought Lefty was a wire. 布鲁诺认为左撇子是个混进来的间谍。
When lefty stoie you, my dad got fired. 左撇子偷了你之后,我爸爸就被解雇了。
I'm the lefty but you stick me on the forehand court. what's up with that? 我是左撇子你却坚持让我站在正手位置,为什么?
Ever thank him for saving you from lefty. 那你有谢过他把你从左撇子手里救出来。
Your reporter is a lefty. 你的记者是一名个撇子。
And I'm really hoping you're a lefty. 那我很希望你是左撇子。
Lefty stoie the bat so babe can't hit. 左撇子偷了球棒,这样贝比就击不中了。
Lefty's the biggest cheater who ever stepped on a mound. 左撇子是站在投手土墩的超级大骗子。
They hired you because we needed a lefty. 他们雇你是因为我们需要左撇子。
Yeah, me and Lefty both were on a little trip for a few years. 是的,我和左撇子两人都蹲过几年监狱。
Is Mr monks merely offering a wholly predictable, knee-jerk, lefty rant? I do not think so. 蒙克斯仅是作了一次完全可预知的、机械的、左翼分子的激昂演说吗?我并不这么认为。
And in this case, both of Lefty and Righty seem to have enough of Shelly Kagan's brain. 在本案例中,小左和小右都有足够的大脑。
Another lefty, as has been revealed by a candid photo, is Britain's Queen Mother Elizabeth. 一张真实的照片透露出,英国王太后伊丽莎白也是个左撇子。
Let me just call this top one Jones'torso with the left half of Shelly Kagan's brain let's call him Lefty. 让我叫上面的这个-,带有Shelly,Kagan左脑的Jones的躯体-,我们叫他小左。
Lieutenant, are you gonna shoot lefty all night? 中尉,你要一直用左手射吗?
Shelly Kagan After the operation, Lefty wakes up thinking he's Shelly Kagan. 手术之后,小左醒来认为自己是。
Lefty hot wired the car and used it for an hour or two. 左撇子用点火器电线短路方法发动了汽车,然后连续开了一两个小时。
This guy is a lefty. 这个人是左撇子。
I'm feeling Iike you're not being compieteiy honest with me, lefty. 我怎么感觉你没有对我说实话,左撇子。
Shelly Kagan Then of course it's Lefty that is Shelly Kagan. 所以当然小左才是。
Lefty said he had to go meet with the candy man. 左撇子说,他要到毒品贩子那儿去一下。
I think being a lefty is what you make of it, not a big deal for most. 我觉得作为一个左手是你的,而不是一个大交易最。
( The possibly is because Ronald Reagan, while said to be a lefty, signed with his right.) But none of the other left-handed presidents had Mr Obama's ( and my) tortured writing posture. (可能,是因为罗纳德•里根(RONALDREAGAN)尽管据说是左撇子,却用右手签名。)但其他几位左撇子总统都没有奥巴马(和我)那种扭曲的写字姿势。
Lefty happens to have it. 小左只是碰巧持有这灵魂。
Expression of Lefty in Wound Healing and Scarring Lefty在创面修复和瘢痕形成过程中表达的研究
Military wife working for a lefty like me? 军人的妻子上我这个左翼课堂干活?