I am dead against the legalisation of drugs. 我坚决反对将毒品合法化。
I felt that it was irresponsible to advocate the legalisation of drugs 我认为鼓吹毒品合法化是不负责任的行为。
She has made outspoken remarks about the legalisation of cannabis in Britain 她对英国关于大麻的立法进行了大胆评论。
Alas, current legalisation efforts in the US, replacing prohibition with commercial production and sale after the fashion of alcohol, have little prospect of getting us there. 可惜的是,美国当前的合法化努力方向是用商业生产和销售取代禁令,就像对待酒类那样,这意味着实现上述目标的机会渺茫。
While the debate about legalisation of cannabis is endlessly fascinating, it obscures the vital question of how to design a system of legal availability. 虽然关于大麻合法化的辩论总能激起人们的兴趣,但它遮盖了一个重要问题:如何设计出一套合法供应的体系?
In other words, it can only happen with the legalisation of brothels. 换言之,只有在妓院合法化时,情况才会好转。
Hence the second argument: legalisation offers the opportunity to deal with addiction properly. 因此引出第二个论题:立法为恰当地解决上瘾问题提供了可能。
The paper represents the strongest hint yet that the SAR administration sees legalisation as the only option. 政府在咨询文件中作出比以前更强烈的暗示,暗示香港除了实行赌波合法化外别无他途。
Plenty of American parents might accept that legalisation would be the right answer for the people of Latin America, Asia and Africa; 许多美国家父母也许能够接受合法化对拉美,亚洲和非洲的人们是正确的答案;
The resources gained from tax and saved on repression would allow governments to guarantee treatment to addicts& a way of making legalisation more politically palatable. 从税收和在打压方面节省下来的资源使政府能够保证对上瘾者的治疗&使合法化更加在政治上为人接受的一个办法。
Any honest proponent of legalisation would be wise to assume that drug-taking as a whole would rise. 任何诚实的立法支持者都会很明智地假想到药品携带将会作为一个整体上升。
Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents 废除要求认证外国公文书的公约
In a provocative paper based on game theory, Mr Basu argues for the legalisation of some kinds of bribe-giving. 在一份基于博弈论的挑拨性的文件中,巴苏先生为部分行贿行为合法性争辩。
Afghanistan's opium industry is teetering on the brink of legalisation, and could provide a source of opiates for the developing world, reports Katharine Sanderson in this Nature article. KatharineSanderson在《自然》杂志的这篇新闻特写中报道,阿富汗的鸦片业在可能到来的合法化种植边缘步履蹒跚,而它可能成为发展中国家新的阿片类(麻醉剂)药物来源。
Legalisation and Practice on Dealing with Children Abduction in USA 美国处理儿童诱拐案件的立法与实践