The former cabinet secretary Lord O'Donnell announced he would head a commission, funded by the Legatum Institute, to help work out what affected happiness. 前内阁秘书LordO'Donnell宣布他将领导由列格坦研究所资助的委员会帮助找出影响幸福的因素。
Legatum says it is trying to encourage the consideration of factors such as health, freedom, security and political governance as keys to prosperity, rather than material wealth alone. 列格坦表示,它试图鼓励一种做法,即考虑健康、自由、安全和政治治理等因素,视其为实现繁荣的关键,而不是只关注物质财富。
Chinese entrepreneurs, according to a survey by the Legatum Institute in London, depend far more than their more nimble and self-reliant Indian counterparts. 据伦敦列格坦研究所的调查,中国的企业家远不如他们的印度同行般能够灵活面对市场并自力更生。