This may reduce legibility of the code. 这可能会降低代码的可读性。
You can also format the table for legibility. 为了美观,也可以设置表格的格式。
Although real applications won't be that short, Libglade gives you tremendous gains in terms of the legibility, modularity, and maintainability of your code. 虽然真正的应用程序不会这么短,但是从代码的清晰性、模块性和可管理性来说,Libglade带来了巨大的提高。
Thus, the subpattern((? x) edu| com| info)( notice the spaces between the alternation operators, added for legibility) is the same as ( edu| com| info). 因而,子模式((?x)educominfo)(请注意备用操作符之间的空格,这些空格是为了易读性而添加的)与(educominfo)相同。
The idea is to play with the texts, they don't have to be readable, or at least with normal legibility, so play with the line-heights, reduce that so the lines overlay one another. 这样做的意图是玩文字,这些文字不是没必要让人读懂,或者至少不是正常的容易读懂的文字,所以调整行高度,降低高度使得一行覆盖着另外一行。
Shipment: Dish of mouth expression of shipment should not suffer mood influence to allow legibility quite commonly only. 出货:出货的盘口表现只要不受情绪影响一般比较轻易识别。
Readability and legibility are often confused. 可读性和易读性经常被混淆。
The legibility of a copy is inversely proportional to its importance. The Measurement Techniques of Precautionary Savings and Their Comparisons 文件的可读性和它的重要性是成反比的。预防性储蓄重要性的测算方法及其比较
The Effects of Fentanyl and Sufentanil on Bispectral Index Scale and Cerebral State Index; In contrast, legibility describes how easily or comfortably a typeset text can be read. 芬太尼、舒芬太尼对脑电双频指数及麻醉深度指数的影响与之相对,易读性描述的是排印文本阅读时的轻松和舒适程度。
Enhance the legibility of instructional webpage on the basis of cognitive psychology. 根据认知心理学原理,增强网络教学页面的易读性。
Furthermore the legibility and ease of understanding of the program are much greater than in assembly language. 此外,程序的清晰度及易理解性也比汇编语言高。
If you have low vision, you might want to clear this check box to improve print legibility. 如果视力不好,可以清除此复选框来提高打印的可读性。
The user interface must keep in balance legibility, readability, typography, symbolism, multiple views, and color or texture in order to communicate successfully. 为了使得表达顺畅,用户界面必须在可读性,易读性,结构,象征性,许多的观点,颜色和材质效果之间来找到一种平衡。
In contrast, legibility describes how easily or comfortably a typeset text can be read. 与之相对,易读性描述的是排印文本阅读时的轻松和舒适程度。
Legibility is usually measured through speed of reading, with comprehension scores used to check for effectiveness ( ie, not a rushed or careless read). 易读性一般通过阅读速度来衡量,用阅读理解的得分来检验阅读效率。
For legibility it's more important that letters be easy to tell apart. 字母能被容易地认出是更重要的事情。
It is this dismantling that interests us, this unsuccessfulness which confers upon its becoming certain legibility and limits its historical opaqueness. 也就是这种分解、这种不成功性-它成为确定的、合法的,且它限制其历史性的隐晦-使我们感兴趣。
Party A shall be responsible for the completeness, correctness and legibility of the product design drawings and manufacturing technical documentation sent to Party B. 甲方对提供给乙方的产品设计图纸和制造技术材料的完整性、正确性、清晰性负责。
The six dimensions of safety-cognition included: facility unsafe, environmental maintenance, spatial legibility, hatred activity, body-territory defense and body-territory defense. 公园空间安全认知因素包括设施不安全性、环境维护、空间辨识性、厌恶性活动干扰、社交领域干扰和躯体领域干扰六个向度。
I've added a using here in the interests of legibility, and ignored the compiler attributes. 我添加了一个利用这里的易读性的利益,而忽略了编译器的属性。
Just as readability is the essence of the content of books, legibility is the core of book design. 可读性是书籍内容的核心,易读性则是书籍设计的核心。
Because they attached great importance to writing's legibility, they had been using the most acceptable methods to write and showed consideration for reader's reading habits. 马克思恩格斯非常重视作品的易读性,总是在写作时采用最易为广大读者接受的手法,照顾到读者的阅读理解习惯;
Display legibility and its measurement 显示易读性及其测量方法的研究
A Tentative Analysis of Legibility in Book Design 试析书籍设计中的易读性
A Metrical Research on Map Legibility 地图易读性的度量研究
The Development of the Software for Legibility Experiment of Chinese Character on LCD 液晶屏汉字显示易读性实验软件的研制
For a good book, its design is not only a matter of aesthetics or artistic style, but also makes it necessary to scientifically study its legibility. 一本好的书籍,就书籍设计而言,不仅是审美或艺术风格的问题,更要从书籍的易读性上加以科学的研究。
Conclusion The legibility of image factors and percept of tourist were strengthened through organizing and designing the factors of urban tourism image in spatial landscape of urban. 结论通过对城市旅游意象要素的空间组织和设计,可加强旅游意象要素的可意象性,使游客产生强烈的感知。
Then, it turns into a preliminary orientation of the study on the legibility of Chinese typefaces, aiming at the definitions and starting from strokes by the study over the holistic recognition process of Chinese characters. 之后通过对汉字整体识别过程的研究,得出以清晰度为目的,以笔画为起点的汉字字体识别研究初步定位。
In order to reflect the theoretical and practical of the research, the analysis of the production process with the aid of an actual enterprise, through the simulation of the enterprise production process increased the compactness and legibility of the thesis research. 为了体现论文研究的理论性和实用性,论文在分析过程中借助某企业生产实际,对企业生产过程进行模拟仿真,实例模型的列举增加了论文研究的紧密性和易读性。