It is impossible here to do justice to the complex history of the Legion. 在这里不可能完整地论述古罗马军团复杂的历史。
The last of the Roman legions left Britain in AD 410. 罗马军团最后一支部队于公元410年离开英国。
His delightful sense of humour won him a legion of friends. 他的幽默风趣为他赢得了众多的朋友。
Ellie's problems are legion 埃莉的问题多如牛毛。
The number of women who become pregnant after adopting children is legion. 领养小孩后怀孕的妇女比比皆是。
A growing legion of workers is flourishing in work cultures that encourage taking risks and speaking out. 越来越多的劳动者在这种鼓励冒险和直抒胸臆的文化中获得了成功。
And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him. 他说,我名叫群。这是因为附着他的鬼多。
On his cuirass he wore the silver cross of the Legion of Honor. 在他的铁甲上,有个银质的功勋十字章。
Barkeeps, waiters and a legion of musicians hailed their newly smoke-free jobs. 酒吧老板、服务员和众多音乐家们欢迎新的无烟工作环境。
Paul McCartney, the former beetle has been decorated with the Legion of honor from France. 前披头士成员保罗麦卡特尼被授予了法国荣誉军团勋章。
The Legion lost one of its leaders, and the mortal races of Azeroth won a brief respite. 燃烧军团失去了一名领袖,而凡人们赢得了喘息之机。
This punishment broke the will of caesar's finest legion. 这个惩罚导致了凯撒最强大的军团的解散。
Agents of the Burning Legion arrive on azeroth. 燃烧军团的特使来到艾泽拉斯。
Soldiers in the legion are trained to obey their superiors in all situations; 军团的士兵受到的训练使他们会在所有状况下服从他们的长官;
Their careless magic use led the destructive Burning Legion into the world; they managed to defeat this evil, but their homeland sunk into the sea in the conflict. 暗夜精灵粗心的滥用魔法为这个世界引来了燃烧军团,他们曾经努力设法打败燃烧军团,但是他们的家园却在战争中沉入了海底。
After that kingdom's destruction by the Burning Legion the arcane arts spread to the far corners of the world. 在王国被燃烧军团摧毁以后,这种神秘艺术传播到了世界的遥远角落。
He looked on his worldly interests as a legion of foes. 他把自己在人世间的利益看作是一大批敌人。
He founded the Legion of honor in1802to honor soldiers and civilians who had made contributions to france. 他在1802年设立了荣誉勋章,以表彰那些对法国作出贡献的军人和平民。
A high reputation with the legion will lead to a steady cache of Stealth Boys for the courier. 如果信使(主角)在军团有着较高的声望,就有机会将军团作为一个隐身小子的稳定供应商。
He has been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, a British knighthood and the French Legion of Honour. 他被授予了美国总统自由勋章、英国爵士头衔和法国荣誉军团勋章。
All seemed hopeless when a small legion of brave and true wizards came forth against insurmountable odds. 人似乎都有无可救药的时候,一个小军团的勇敢而真实的奇才站出来反对不可克服的赔率。
He has just received the Legion of honour. 他还获得了荣誉勋章。
Eventually, all seven tribes were either destroyed or incorporated in what became known as the Legion. 最终,全部7个部落或被催毁或被整编成了今天我们所知的凯撒军团。
The Alliance and Horde reach a temporary truce to defeat the Legion. 联盟与部落暂时休战以对抗燃烧军团。
Each god's distinctive powers and legion of followers give the controlling player unique strengths and heretical abilities with which to corrupt and enslave the Old World. 每个邪神的独门力量和拥趸给予控制玩家的专门技能和异端力量去腐化和奴役旧世界。
Stories about him are legion. 有许许多多关于他的传说。
The main commanders, centurions and the Legate, are also the deadliest members of the Legion. 军团的主要指挥官,百夫长和特使,也同样是军团中的狠角色。
The Caesar's Legion is comprised mostly of reconditioned tribals and their descendants. 凯撒军团主要由被其征服的部落以及他们的后代组成。
Roman Legion is played by shooting arrows at encroaching enemies while moving left or right to avoid their attacks. 玩罗马兵团游戏的方法是:向入侵的敌人射箭,同时左右移动以躲避敌人的攻击。
I'm always trying to destroy the legion, so I did. 我致力于摧毁燃烧军团,结果我做到了。