That is the job of our federal and state legislators. 这应该是联邦政府和各州立法者的工作。
She solicited the help of hundreds of legislators and prominent businessmen to create a special day to honor mothers. 她征求了数以百计的立法者和商界翘楚一起来创立一个特殊的日子来纪念母亲。
Administrators are the guardians and legislators of an IT system. 管理员是IT系统的守护者和立法者。
Some experts complain that legislators are not doing enough to protect women. 一些专家认为,立法者没有采取足够的措施保护妇女。
Many legislators and deputies also use their microblog to solicit opinions for their motions or proposals. 许多人大委员和代表们还用自己的微博来征求人们对其议案或建议的意见。
Opposition legislators have seized key positions in parliament. 反对派立法者把持着国会中的关键位置。
These commitments address key concerns raised by supervisors and legislators globally. 这些承诺化解了全球监督和立法机构关切的核心问题。
Farmers could elect legislators or congressmen from rural districts, who would represent their interest. 农民可选举出身农村,代表他们利益的人担任议员或国会议员。
Meanwhile, some Orthodox Jewish legislators say they may introduce a bill to ban same-sex marriages. 同时,一些犹太教正统派议员表示,他们将会提出议案,要求禁止同性婚姻。
The Deputy Prime Minister met with Bush administration officials as well as key legislators on Capitol hill. 伊拉克代理总理与布什政府官员和主要国会山的立法者会面。
Latin American and Caribbean Conference of governors, superintendents and legislators for the right to life; 拉丁美洲和加勒比州长、负责人和议员促进生命权会议;
And certainly we are fully justified in demanding from the legislators and organizers proof of this natural superiority. 当然,我们完全有理由要求立法和组织者,证明这一自然的优越性。
One day in1987, I came upon Paul in the state Capitol talking to three state legislators. 1987年的一天,我在州议会偶遇保罗,他正在和三位州议员聊天。
President Bush says he will not allow legislators to roll back limits on stem cell research he set in2001. 布什总统表示他不会允许国会议员们取消他在2001年对干细胞研究所做的限制。
Many of the legislators who drafted the bill are landowners. 草拟该议案的立法委员中,有许多是土地所有者。
Nor was there any involvement of legislators or public officials. 与立法员案件和政治官员也无任何联系。
Legislators who are allies on most issues. 在大多数问题上意见一致的立法者们。
Some Republican legislators oppose any extension because of the impact on the deficit. 有些共和党议员因为它对赤字的冲击而反对任何形式的延长。
"These are extraordinary times and we have to take extraordinary measures," Mr Tsang told legislators. “在当今不寻常的时期,我们必须采取特别的应对措施,”曾荫权对立法会议员表示。
Can US legislators be that stupid? 美国的国会议员们会如此愚蠢吗?
But there are other schemes for "spreading the work," often put forward by union spokesmen and legislators. 此外,还有一些其他的“摊享工作机会”的策略,常常是由工会发言人和国会议员提出的。
The legislators acquiesced in the peace terms. 议员们对和约条款表示默认。
We are prepared to work with legislators at the state level to address these concerns. 我们已经准备好与州立法议员们配合,处理这些受到关注的问题。
Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? 这些立法者和他们指定的代理人难道不属于人类种族吗?
To implement the concept will require restricting vested interest groups and effective law enforcement, researchers and legislators said. 研究人员和立法人士均表示,为了践行(包容性增长)这一理念,就需要限制既得利益集团,并促成各项法律的有效实施。
The left-wing government of Ecuador has been pressing legislators to cap interest rates. 厄瓜多尔的左翼政府一直在向议员施压,要求其限制利率。
But we are now witnessing the establishment of myriad laws and rules by legislators and in the courts. 但我们现在看到,有无数法律法规正由立法者或在法庭上确立起来。
You could leave it to federal and state legislators to come up with different approaches. 你可以把问题留给联邦和州的立法者,让他们去想各种不同的方法。
The mayor used his influence to pull the wires of local legislators and get votes for their programmes. 市长利用他的影响暗中操纵地方议员,并为他们的方案提供赞成票。
Legislators can review the Congressional Record before it is published to change or add a statement. 立法者可以在记录公布前审阅记录以改变或增加陈述。