It assimilates various philosophical thoughts such as Confucianism, Legist thinking, Yin-Yang study, especially the philosophy of Taoism, which is being widely acclaimed by scholars from Han dynasty. 《淮南子》是汉初子学到经学转折点上的巨著,对诸子百家作了综合,尤其是集道家思想之大成,其道论历来为学者所称道。
The opposition of relation on right and obligation between the right standard of the natural legist and the duty standard of Confucianism; 权利与义务关系上权利本位与义务本位的对立;
Liang Shuming is not a legist, and he has never written any juristic work. But his law wisdom is always seen in his discussion of culture. 梁漱溟并非法学家,也无专门的法学著作问世,但他的法律智慧却处处体现在其文化研讨中。
So, according to the foundation of legist regulation about self-servile behaviour in the foreign countries and Taiwan Region, this article simply discusses the conception, elements and result of self-service Behaviour and hopes to confirm it in civil legislation. 因此,应在国外及我国台湾地区有关自助行为立法之规定的基础上,对自助行为的概念、构成要件、效果等方面作出探讨,以期我国民事立法就自助行为予以确认。
According to our traditional theory of right appeal of action, we can not take effective restriction and sanctions on those who damage the environment public interests without punishment as environmental interest legist ration lack of appropriate appeal body. 究其原因,根据我国我国传统的诉讼权利理论,由于环境公益诉讼的提起缺乏适格的主体,将不能普遍有效地约束和制裁某些侵害环境公共利益的行为,最终使得这些违法行为逍遥法外。
The ideology of state affairs management and its practical effect in The Book of Lord Shang, the legist book composed in the early Qin Period, greatly promoted the transformation and development of social life in China. 先秦法家著作《商君书》的治道思想及实践效果,推动了中国社会的巨大变革和发展。
To our country claims legist legislation present situation analysis, pointed out that our country legislation deficiency. 对我国债权让与立法规定的现状进行分析,指出我国立法存在的不足。
Because of the great legist knowledge and special historical position, Confucius frequent into literature, experience of literature and shaping process. 因为博古通今的学识和特殊的历史地位,孔子频繁进入文学作品,经历文学的加工和塑造。
Therefore, to some extent, his thought not only by Guan Zhong, Shang Yang, Shen Buhai 'preparatory legist effects, but with Confucianism, Tao, ink and so on all classes of authors have all kinds of connections with contact with. 因此,在一定程度上,他的思想不仅受到管仲、商鞅、申不害等前期法家人物的影响,而且与儒、道、墨等诸子百家有着千丝万缕的联系。