But at least I'm not from Lehman Brothers. 但是我至少不是雷曼兄弟的一员。
Massive discount lending to banks following the Lehman collapse prevented a devastating run on banks. 美联储在雷曼(Lehman)破产后向银行提供了巨额的贴现贷款,从而让银行避免出现灾难性的挤兑。
Lehman's shares plunged on Monday morning but it is not the only one facing trouble. Lehman的股份在星期一早上跌落,而面对麻烦的不止这一家。
Both products were widely used by Lehman, bear and AIG. 雷曼、贝尔斯登和aig都广泛使用了这两种产品。
Herbert Lehman would never have let it happen. 第三,赫伯特雷曼(HerbertLehman)绝不会让这一悲剧发生。
There will be systemic fallout from the Lehman bankruptcy, however. 然而,雷曼兄弟的破产将带来系统性影响。
First, Lehman hurt its bondholders. 首先,雷曼伤害了债券持有人。
But if the Fed rescued AIG and bear, why did it let Lehman collapse? 但美联储既然挽救了美国国际集团和贝尔斯登,为何又会让雷曼破产呢?
However, the Lehman collapse transformed this mood of bubbling tension into full-blown panic and paralysis. 然而,雷曼破产使这种正在萌生的紧张情绪演变成了一场全面恐慌和瘫痪。
Lehman and AIG, however, were not tiny domestic outfits. 不过,雷曼和AIG都不属于那种规模小的国内机构。
The collapse of Lehman Brothers was an enormous shock to global business. 曾经雷曼兄弟公司的倒闭对全球经济造成了巨大冲击。
It has since expanded to offer algorithms from 10 brokers, including those from Lehman and Credit Suisse. 从那以来,这个平台提供的算法已扩大至10家券商,其中包括雷曼和瑞士信贷。
There are plenty of people who also believe Goldman exacerbated the collapses of Bear Stearns and Lehman, too. 也有许多人认为,高盛还加速了贝尔斯登和雷曼的倒闭。
Just like after Lehman collapsed, we have created different scenarios and done some exercises. 正像雷曼破产之后的情形一样,我们构建了各种不同的情景,做了一些推演。
And he massively underestimated the effect of the Lehman collapse on market confidence. 他还严重低估了雷曼倒台对市场信心的影响。
That is a stark contrast to the reaction to the collapse of Lehman Brothers. 这与雷曼兄弟倒闭后的情形形成了鲜明对比。
Last month, a resurgent Nomura completed meshing the systems that underpin its operations with those of Lehman. 上个月,野村与雷曼的业务支持系统完成了整合,一个全新的野村由此诞生。
Two years ago the collapse of Lehman Brothers heralded a frightening period for the world economy. 两年前,雷曼兄弟的破产宣告世界经济步入了一个令人恐惧的时期。
Tragically, with Lehman and the Irish banks, it seems none of this happened. 不幸的是,在处理雷曼和爱尔兰银行的问题上,这些举措似乎一样都没有用上。
Lehman held talks with regulators over a plan to convert to a traditional bank holding company in July. 7月份,雷曼就转型成为传统性银行控股公司的计划,与监管者进行了商谈。
Amaranth's derivative defaults had trivial systemic ripples, while those of Lehman and AIG created major shockwaves. Amaranth衍生品违约所带来的系统性影响微不足道,而雷曼和美国国际集团的违约则造成了重大的冲击波。
But they did not collapse, as Lehman did. 但它们没有像雷曼那样倒闭。
Such players had huge profits on their positions with Lehman as their counterparty. 以雷曼为交易对手,这类投资者从他们的头寸中获得了巨大收益。
The last time inflation expectations were this high was the week before the Lehman collapse last September. 通胀预期上次达到如此高的水平,是在去年9月雷曼倒闭前的那周。
In an unexpected twist, the experiment straddled the collapse of Lehman Brothers and of the stock market. 出人意料的一点是,上述实验在时间上跨越了雷曼兄弟倒闭和股市崩盘。
Nomura is not buying any trading assets or liabilities from Lehman. 野村证券不会买下雷曼的交易资产和债务。
Lehman also misled investors about its access to liquid funds. 雷曼还在其获取流动性资金的渠道上误导了投资者。
It is clear that he underestimated the consequences of letting Lehman fail. 很显然,他低估了听任雷曼倒闭的后果。