You can launch one from Leiningen via lein repl or from your IDE of choice. 可以通过leinrepl命令从Leiningen启动一个REPL,或者从您选择的IDE启动。
Next, run lein deps to download the needed JAR files. 下面,运行leindeps下载所需的JAR文件。
I've actually occasionally found myself using "lein pom" to create a template POM for Java projects. 有时我会通过“leinpom”命令为Java项目创建POM模板。
The lein-clojars plugin simplifies these two commands to just "lein push", but as you can see there's actually not all that much to simplify. lein-clojars插件可以将这两个命令简化为”leinpush“这一条命令,但正如你所见,实际上并非所有东西都能够简化。