n. (音乐的)主旋律,主导主题; (书、艺术品等的)中心思想,主题,主旨 leitmotif的复数
N-COUNT (书、电影、人生等的)中心思想,主题,主旨 A leitmotif in something such as a book or film or in a person's life is an idea or an object which occurs again and again.
The title of one of Dietrich's best-known songs could serve as the leitmotif for her life. 黛德丽的一生可用她的一首名曲的名字来概括。
His compositions are notable for their continuous contrapuntal texture, rich harmonies and orchestration, and elaborate use of leitmotifs: themes associated with specific characters or situations. 他的作品拥有连续的对位织体、富的和声及管弦乐编曲、人物和场景搭配的精致主旋律。
Puzzle and "mystery" are the leitmotifs running through the novel. 疑团与“神秘”是贯穿该小说的主线。
These principles are the leitmotifs of the social market economy model on which Germany's economic rise after the second world war was built. 以上原则构成了社会市场经济模式的核心思想,二战后德国经济的崛起就植根于这一模式。
We sing fairy tale songs and our sleep is dappled with fairy tale leitmotifs. 我们大唱童话歌曲,就连梦境也满是斑驳的童话主题。
Through an analysis of the process, this paper reveals some images, themes, leitmotifs, deep structures and interesting language phenomena which recur in this collection of short stories. 通过对这个过程的分析,揭示一些在《聊斋志异》中重复出现的意象、母题、主题、深层结构和有意思的语言现象。