All just wars support each other, while all unjust wars should be turned into just wars& this is the Leninist line. 凡义战都是互相援助的,凡非义战都是应该使之转变成为义战的,这就是列宁主义的路线。
Of course, Mr Obama cannot entirely be blamed for his limited progress, when the Republicans take that Leninist approach of "the worse the better", and offer no co-operation on any issue. 当然,在共和党采取“越糟越好”的列宁主义路线、在所有问题上都不合作之际,进展有限不能全怪奥巴马。
Comrade Bethune put this Leninist line into practice. 白求恩同志是实践了这一条列宁主义路线的。
A party organized on Leninist principles. 按照列宁主义原理组建的政党。
Do you remember the famous Leninist slogan,'all power to the soviets! '? 你记不记得列宁著名的口号“一切政权归苏维埃!”?
China has broken ground on two economic development zones in North Korea, in a tentative sign that the secretive Leninist state is warming to Chinese-style economic reforms. 中国已启动在朝鲜建设两个经济开发区的计划。这一初步迹象表明,朝鲜这个行事隐秘的列宁主义国家对中国式经济改革的兴趣正在升温。
A bigger concern is that a rigid Leninist Party structure has failed to keep pace with an increasingly mobile, ambitious, opinionated and informed population. 更大的一个担忧是,僵硬的列宁主义政党架构,未能跟上流动性渐强、雄心勃勃、有主见且见多识广的中国民众的发展。
We must always hold on to the Marxist-Leninist Principles. 我们必须永远坚持马克思列宁主义原则。
These Marxist-Leninist principles should be kept in mind and acted on. 这些马列主义原则应当牢记并贯彻实行。
Bayi spirit, Jingganshan spirit and Shuqu spirit were the products of Marxist and Leninist combined with Chinese revolutionary practice in Jiangxi region. 八一精神、井冈山精神、苏区精神是马列主义与中国革命实践在江西区域相结合的产物。
In Marxist Leninist literature, a well known viewpoint disequilibrium theory interprets the special laws concerning the relationship between economic basis and superstructure instead of its universal laws. 马列文论中的不平衡说,讲的是经济基础与上层建筑关系中的特殊规律而不是普遍规律。
Guiding Teaching Practice by the Marxist-Leninist Epistemology 用马列主义认识论指导教学实践
Strengthen teacher training and improve teaching quality of Marxist Leninist political theory in universities 加强高校马列主义政治理论课教师队伍建设的思考
Therefore it is of theoretical and practical importance to further improve the teaching of the Marxist and Leninist philosophy in course aim, teaching content and offering method. 因此,从教学目的、教学内容和教学方法等方面来研究如何在《马克思主义哲学原理》课程的教学研究与改革中贯彻三个代表重要思想,无疑具有重大的理论价值和重要的现实意义。
Therefore, it became the main innovation of this topic. Firstly, in the perspective of contemporary study Leninist Philosophy of Science. 因此,这就成了本选题的主要创新点之一。其一,是从当代的视角研究列宁科学哲学思想。
The concept of scientific development theory derived from Marxist and Leninist development concept. Chinese leaders throughout history had explored the scientific development concept. 科学发展观理论源于马克思列宁的发展观,我国历代领导人也有过对科学发展观的探索。
Having exactly been the theory and practice since Leninist just now have saved socialism and developed socialism, in order to set up the history monumental work that Socialism in the world develops, to guide and stimulate each Characteristically socialism developing by the times newly. 正是由于列宁的理论和实践,才挽救了社会主义,发展了社会主义,树立起世界社会主义发展的历史丰碑,指引和激励着各国特色社会主义的时代新发展。