Objectives: To study the therapeutic effects of Q-switch laser in treatment of freckles and lentigo. 目的:观察应用Q开关激光治疗雀斑及雀斑样痣的疗效。
Improve microcirculation and metabolism; eliminate peroxidized adipopexis, especially lentigo on the skin. 改善微循环,消除过氧化脂肪沉积,促进新陈代谢,润肤祛斑。
Across Lentigo mountain The route of Sichuan-Tibet is always the most dangerous and it is obviously not the best time to go to Tibet in May when some higher and colder places are still snowing. 翻越雀儿山历来川藏线都是最为传奇险峻的,五月初进藏显然不是最好的时间,很多高寒地带还在下雪。
A small, flat, pigmented spot on the skin. Histologic examination of the tan patch reveals features of lentigo simplex, whereas the speckled macules and papules disclose melanocytic nevi. 雀斑,着色斑,小痣皮肤上的一种扁平、有色的小斑点组织病理下褐色斑块呈现单纯性黑痣,而其上的斑点及丘疹则为黑色素细胞痣。
With ice on the north part of Shaluli hills of the great Lentigo Mountain, the highest peak is6168 meters above the sealevel. 冰雪皑皑,巍峨雄伟的雀儿山居沙鲁里山系北段,最高峰海拔6168米。
Results According to the morphological characters of tumor cells, 36 cases of mucosal malignant melanoma were classified into epithelioid cell type including 17 cases, spindle cell type including 8 cases, lentigo cell type including 2 cases and mixed cell type including 9 cases. 结果根据肿瘤细胞形态特点及有无黑色素,36例粘膜恶性黑色素瘤被分为上皮样细胞为主型17例,梭形细胞为主型8例,小痣样细胞型2例,混合型9例;
Surgical margins for lentigo maligna and lentigo maligna melanoma: The technique of mapped serial excision 恶性雀斑痣和恶性雀斑痣黑色素瘤的手术边界:绘制连续切除界线的技术
Conclusion Intense pulsed light technology can be effective for the treatment of freckles, pigment after acne and senile lentigo. 结论:IPL对雀斑、痤疮后色素沉着斑、老年斑有良好的疗效。
Lentigo treated with liquid nitrogen 液体氮冷冻治疗雀斑223例疗效观察
Conclusion Q-switched Alexandrite laser is effective in the treatment of nevus of Ota, seborrheic keratosis, tattoo, and naevus fusco-caeruleus zygomaticus, but has limited efficacy for cafe-au-lait-spots, lentigo, naevus of Ito, and spilus naevus. 结论Q开关紫翠宝石激光对太田痣、雀斑、文身、脂溢性角化、颧部褐青色痣治疗效果好,对伊藤痣、雀斑样痣、斑痣及咖啡斑有一定疗效。