Leonard jumped in his car and started backtracking 伦纳德跳进车里,开始原路折返。
He appeared from the apartment directly below Leonard's 他从伦纳德家正下方的公寓里走了出来。
Leonard made a rapid calculation: he'd never make it in time. 伦纳德快速盘算了一下:他肯定赶不上了。
Cosby had originally selected her to co-star in his movie 'Leonard Part 6'. 科斯比最初选中了她来联袂主演他的电影《天才老爹拯救地球》。
Finally in the programme, we come to the news that the American composer and conductor, Leonard Bernstein, has died 节目的最后,我们来看一则新闻,美国作曲家兼指挥家伦纳德·伯恩斯坦去世。
Leonard, a confirmed atheist, simply could not understand. 伦纳德这位坚定的无神论者实在是无法理解。
Leonard was shaken to the core; he'd never seen or read anything like it. 伦纳德极为震惊;他从未看过或读过这样的东西。
Leonard approached with a disarming smile 伦纳德带着亲切的微笑走上去。
Leonard was now fixed in his mind 伦纳德现在已经令他无法忘怀。
For the first time Leonard felt irritation at her methods 伦纳德这还是头一次对她的方法感到恼怒。
Leonard tilted his chair back on two legs and stretched his long body 伦纳德把椅子向后倾斜,仅以两条腿作支撑,然后舒展开他长长的身躯。
Leonard was working at his German. His mistakes made her laugh 伦纳德正在学习德语,他出的洋相让她哈哈大笑。
Maybe because I just got married& so come on Penny and Leonard, it's been six years! 可能是因为我刚结婚,所以也希望Penny和Leonard的六年爱情长跑能够有个好结果!
Leonard: No, no, you gave me an explanation. 莱纳德:不,不,你给了我一个解释。
Leonard: I know, I'm familiar with you. 莱纳德:我知道,我了解你。
Leonard: No, I didn't do anything. He's just gone insane. 没有,我什么都没干,他就是发疯了。
I love James M. Cain and Elmore Leonard, but Jim Thompson holds a special place in my heart. 我喜欢詹姆斯·M·凯恩和埃尔默·莱昂纳德(ElmoreLeonard),但是吉姆·汤普森在我心里有特殊的地位。
Leonard: I've had enough of your condescension. 我受够你屈尊俯就的姿态了!
Leonard: We Were up to you. 到你了,我们正等着呢。
Leonard: Yes, that's crazy! They want to do the research on the non-sleeping warrior. 是的,这太疯狂了!他们想做不眠勇士的研究。
Leonard: Hey, I thought you were finding new friends. 嘿,我以为你去交新朋友了。
Leonard: Yeah, good for me. I'll never have sex again. 是的,我真棒,我再也不能享受到性爱了。
Leonard: Boy, you take all the fun out of it for me. 孩子,你把我仅有的一点乐趣都剥夺了。
Leonard: Sheldon, this is ridiculous. 伦纳德:谢尔顿,这太可笑了!
Leonard: You disturb me when you disappear. 伦纳德:你失踪了才叫打搅我。
Virginia: Leonard, I believe I may have a first sentence. 弗吉尼亚:雷纳德,我想我可能有开头了。
Leonard: You are all wrong. 伦纳德:那你们都想错了。
Leonard: And we all thank you. 我们都感激你。
Leonard: It's too late for me. My, head is her summer house. 我没救了我脑袋已是她的避暑别墅了。