abbr. 激光、光电系统(Laser and Electro-Optical System); 腹腔镜下卵巢表面电凝固术(laparoscopic electrocoagulation of the ovarian surface); 联想嵌入式操作系统(Lenovo Embedded Operating System)
狮子宫,狮子座(黄道十二宫之一。出生于7月23日至8月22日之间的人属此星座) Leo is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a lion. People who are born approximately between the 23rd of July and the 22nd of August come under this sign.
出生于狮子宫时段的人 A Leo is a person whose sign of the zodiac is Leo.
Leos are very sensual and sometimes very sexy. 狮子是非常感性的,有时还很性感。
Its important for Leos to feel good about themselves-and diet is best seen as a way of achieving this. 对于狮子座的人来说自我感觉良好非常重要,饮食就是获得良好自我感觉的最好方法。
17) In his early 20s partying heyday, Leos entourage was known as the Pussy Posse ( help). 17)在20岁出头的派对狂欢全盛期,莱昂的一群同伴被称为(消音)帮(噢救命)。
Leos also love it when people notice them. 狮子座的人也喜欢人们注意他们。
Leos are like lions: energetic, free and independent. 狮子座的人就像狮子一样:精力充沛、自由、独立。
Leos have lots of pride, energy, and confidence and can be strong-willed. 狮子座的人很骄傲、充满活力、自信而且又果断。
The low-earth-orbiters ( LEOs) have developed rapidly in recent decade due to the requirements of scientific researches such as gravity recovery, atmosphere exploration, radar altimeter and so on. 由于重力场精化、大气探测、海洋测高等科学研究的需要,低轨卫星得到了迅速发展。
Leos are optimistic because of their strong confidence in themselves. 由于他们具有很强的自信心,因此狮子座的人是乐天派。
We're both typical leos. 我俩都有典型的狮子座星相性格。
Because Leos understand Arians 因为狮子座的人了解白羊座的人
Leos are good leaders, managers, performers and negotiators. 他们会是出色的领导者,管理者,演员及谈判高手。
People like to listen to Leos because they sound strong and powerful. 人们喜欢听从狮子座的人,因为他们听起来铿锵有力。
When Leos set their minds to do something, they usually do it well. 狮子座的人一旦下定决心做某件事,他们通常会把事情做好。
Leos are not used to losing in the game of life and the recent financial challenges could have caused some self-doubts to begin surfacing. 狮子座不是用来失去生命游戏,最近的金融挑战,也可能使一些自我怀疑,开始显露出来。
Leo'shealth habits: Leos have robust constitutions, supple spines, and good coordination. 狮子座人有着健壮的体魄,极强的柔韧度和协调性。
But, Leos care a lot about how other people see them. 但是,狮子座的人很在意别人对他们的看法。
Leos are looking for his wife and daughter. 其他探员在找他的太太和女儿。
The OD precision of LEOs based on PPP method using satellite clock errors obtained by estimation discussed in this paper is less than 10 cm. 经地面GPS跟踪站数据估计的GPS卫星钟差,应用于基于PPP方法的低轨卫星定轨,其定轨精度在10cm以内。
Study on Some Problems of LEOs Orbit Determination Based on GPS 星载GPS卫星定轨中若干问题的研究
Densification Methods of GPS Satellite Clock Errors and Their Impact on Orbit Determination Precision of LEOs 精密卫星钟差加密方法及其对星载GPS低轨卫星定轨精度影响
A Simulation Study of Onboard GPS Observations of LEOs 星载GPS观测数据的模拟研究
A Comprehensive Kalman Filtering and Its Application to GPS-based Orbit Determination for LEOs 一种新的综合Kalman滤波及其在星载GPS低轨卫星定轨中的应用
Methods and Progress on Kinematic Orbit Determination of LEOs Based on GPS Kinematic variables are orbit elements of spacecraft. 星载GPS低轨卫星运动学定轨及研究进展选取运动学变量即空间轨道根数作为状态变量。