They levied religious taxes on Christian commercial transactions 他们对基督徒的商业交易征收宗教税。
Taxes should not be levied without the authority of Parliament. 未经议会授权不得征税。
These issues include a lack of clarity surrounding how capital gains tax is levied on investments. 其中一个问题是中国没有澄清如何对相关投资所得征收资本利得税。
Tenant duty to pay any sales or use tax levied upon tenant rental payments. 承租人有责任支付任何销售,使用等被征收的承租费用。
Since taxes are levied primarily on income, this has both equity and efficiency benefits. 由于税收主要针对的是收入,这在公平与效率两方面都会带来好处。
Value-added tax is levied on the production and allocation of philately commodities. 集邮商品的生产、调拨征收增值税。
The tax would be levied by national governments and spent as they saw fit. 碳排放税将由各国政府征收,并花在它们认为合适的地方。
Value-Added Tax shall be levied on the business of selling gold and silver by banks. 银行销售金银的业务,应当征收增值税。
Customs duties, charges and taxes levied on imported and exported goods; 对进出口货物征收的关税、规费、捐税;
A tariff is simply a tax or duty levied on a product when it crosses national boundaries. 所谓关税,就是对出入国境的商品所征收的税。
A departure tax levied on all travellers. 向所有旅客徵收的离境税。
They levied on his property for unpaid rent. 他们因他未付租金而扣押了他的财产。
Ad valorem duties are levied on the basis of the product's value. 从价税是以商品的价值为基础而征收的税。
The outrageous new taxes that were levied to pay for the war. 为支付战争费用而征收的各种令人无法容忍的新税。
They levied a tax/ a fine/ a ransom on him. 他们向他征收税(罚金,索取赎金)。
A tax levied on the difference between a commodity's price before taxes and its cost of production. 对商品税前价格和生产成本之间差价征收的税务。
Turnover tax refers to a tax on the gross revenue of a business, while a VAT refers to a tax levied on the difference between a commodity's price before taxes and its cost of production. 营业税指的是对一个企业营业总收入所征收的税,而增值税指的是对商品税前价格和生产成本之间的差额征收的税。
Border taxes: Taxes levied at national frontiers. 边境税:在国家边境征收的税。
The duties are levied against imported goods considered to be unfairly priced more cheaply than in their domestic market. 紧急关税的征收对象是那些被视为不公平地将价格定得比其国内市场更低的进口商品。
A tax levied on goods or services rather than on persons or organizations. 向货物或服务而不是向个人或团体征收的税款项目。
Sales tax is only levied once in the distribution chain of goods from manufacture to consumption. 营业税只在货物从生产到消费这一分配过程中征收一次。
The most widespread tariff is the import tariff, which is a tax levied on an imported product. 普遍采用的是进口关税,即对进口商品征收的关税。
VAT and the Consumption Tax were levied and administered by the State competent departments of taxation, while the Business Tax was collected and administered by the local competent departments of taxation. 增值税和消费税由国家税收主管部门征收和管理,营业税由地方税收主管机关征收和管理。
They have confiscated and destroyed the pirated goods and levied administrative sanctions on the infringers. 收缴销毁了侵权复制品,并对侵权者作出了行政处罚。
A withholding tax is withheld from a foreign corporation and levied on interest paid on loans. 预扣赋税是从国外公司的收入中扣除的、对支付贷款的利息所课征的一种税收。
A system of taxation in which a tax is levied on a single commodity ( usually land). 只向一样商品征收税务的体制(通常为土地税)。
Carbon tax: A tax levied on products that emit greenhouse gases. 燃烧废气释放税:对释放温室气体的产品征收的一种税。
Value-Added Tax shall levied on sales of philately stamps and first day covers by postal departments. 邮政部门销售集邮邮票、首日封,应当征收增值税。
Tariffs are commonly levied in one of two ways: ad valorem tariff or specific tariff. 关税通常以下列两种方式的一种征收:从价关税或从量关税。
A tariff is a duty or fee levied on goods being imported into the country. 关税是对进口商品所征的税。