Except for the ordinary meaning of vocabulary, teacher should induct students to concern other annex meanings using the research conclusion of lexics. 教师应该运用词汇学研究的成果引导学生注意单词概念意义之外的各种附加意义。
According to modern lexics, synonyms are words whose number is two or over two and that are the same in some aspects concerning an idea. 现代语言词汇学理论认为,如果两个或两个以上的词所指的概念在某些部分相同,其词义外延具有交叉之处,它们就是同义词。
This paper particular introduces the main technology of command interpreter, resource manager tree and lexics analyzer. 详细介绍了该工具的3项核心技术:命令解释器、代码管理树、词法分析器的实现。
The research of dialect vocabulary is an important component of the dialectology as well as of the lexics. 方言词汇研究是方言学研究的一个重要内容,同时也属于词汇学研究的范畴。
This study seeks to analyse Markedness Theory in the area of lexics. 本文重点对词汇学中的标记现象和标记理论进行了研究。
The achievements of the Shishuo lexics study greatly promoted the development and thriving of the Shishuo studies. 《世说》语言学研究的成果有力地推动了《世说》学的整体发展和繁荣。
The article synthetically uses modern Chinese lexics, relevant knowledge of the grammar theory and research results, to analyze the phenomenon of Lihe words, by this process, we hope to deepen the understand of Lihe words. 文章综合运用现代汉语词汇和语法理论方面的相关知识和研究成果,对离合词这一语言现象进行分析,希望通过这一过程,深化对现代汉语离合词的理解和认识。
As a stronghold of medieval linguistics study, modern Shishuo Xinyu linguistics study has made great achievements in lexics, wording and rhetoric studies. 作为中古语言学研究的重要分支,当代的《世说新语》(以下简称《世说》)语言学研究在词汇学、语法学和修辞学研究诸方面均取得了丰硕的成果。
Chinese new words have developed into hot spots of lexics research, and many researchers also dived into huge passion on the exposition of every aspect of the new words. 新时期以来汉语新词语逐步成为词汇学研究中的热点问题,许多研究者也投入了极大的热情从不同角度对新词语的某一些方面进行分析和阐述。
However, much research analysis shows that the study of describing euphemism is still restricted within the scope of lexics and terminology and this lagging no doubt influences the translating progress. 但大量的研究分析显示,我们对委婉语的研究描述至今还逃不出词汇学和术语学等范畴局限,其本身在研究上的滞后无疑深刻影响了委婉语翻译工作的进程。
The value of this investigation is that it is the microcosmic investigation about the kinship terms of this area. The innovation of this article is that the writer tries to use the theory of sociolinguistics, geographical linguistics and lexics to study the kinship terms. 本项研究的价值在于这是对该地区亲属称谓使用情况的微观调查,创新之处在于尝试将社会语言学、地理语言学和词汇学的理论和方法结合起来进行亲属称谓的研究。
In term of lexics and etymology, we use the method of comparative linguistics to explore the root of contronym. 从词汇学、词源学的角度,采用比较语言学的方法,探讨词汇的反义同形现象及根源。
This article is the study of sociolinguistics and geographical linguistics, which is based upon the investigation of kinship terms and also involved in the study on lexics. 本文是以亲属称谓用法调查为核心的社会语言学和地理语言学研究,同时处处涉及词汇学领域的问题。