If you are talking to medical students you can use medical terms more liberally than if you were talking to sociology majors. 如果你是对医学学生演讲而不是对社会学系学生演讲,你便可以大方地使用医学术语了。
Developers find it tempting to use these convenient classes liberally throughout an application. 开发者常常在整个应用程序中使用这些便利类库。
Cover a baking sheet or tray with a sheet of non-stick baking parchment sprinkled liberally with caster sugar. 在烘培板或者烘焙盘上盖一片不粘的烘焙纸,均匀地撒上细白砂糖。
On a dry day in your garden, liberally spray the weeds with vinegar. 在花园比较干燥的时候,向杂草上大量喷洒你自己制作的除草剂。
Liberally sprinkle baking soda all over your carpet and let it sit for several hours. 仔细在整个地毯上撒上苏打粉,放置几个小时。
You disperse money too liberally. 你的钱花得太大手大脚了。
All surfaces are provided with highly reflective coatings. You shall apply it liberally and evenly. 所有表面上均涂一层高反射膜。涂漆的量要充足、均匀。
When I asked you to talked to my roommate, you behaved very liberally. 当妈妈请你和室友阿姨说两句话的时候,你也表现得落落大方。
To cover something with paint. You shall apply it liberally and evenly. 涂漆用颜料涂抹某物涂漆的量要充足、均匀。
No, I'm running on too fast: I bestow my own attributes over liberally on him. 不,我这样下判断可太早了:我把自己的特性慷慨地施与他了。
Apply liberally and massage into skin as often as needed. 根据需要,经常轻柔地涂抹和按摩于肌肤上。
To reduce this problem, we sprinkle the hands and arms liberally with talc. 为克服这个问题我们在手臂上多洒些滑石粉。
The interested persons may relate with myself, price liberally. 有意者可与本人联系,价格从优。
He was liberally educated. 他受过开明的教育。
Americans like pleasant scents, and douse them-selves and their personal products liberally with per-fume. 美国人喜欢香气,在身上和个人物品上洒满了香水。
Unfold towel and apply liberally to cool dry skin, 20 minutes prior to sun exposure. 在暴露在阳光下20分钟之前,展开毛巾涂抹在干的皮肤上面。
He gave liberally to several charities. 他慷慨地向几个慈善机构捐了款。
One license may grant rights liberally, while another may be far more restrictive. 一个许可可能会毫无限制地授予权利,而另一个则会有很多限制。
She gives liberally to local charities. 她对当地的慈善活动给予非常慷慨的支持。
Tim helped himself liberally to some more wine. 蒂姆自己动手又喝了很多酒。
Sir George Staunton instantly wrote back an answer, rewarding the messenger liberally. 乔治?斯汤顿爵士立即写了回信,慷慨地犒赏了信差。
Milan designers liberally used leather, fur and rich embellishments to convey the message. 米兰设计师大量使用皮革、毛皮和繁复的装饰来传递这一信息。
This includes overuse, when drugs are dispensed too liberally. 这一问题包括过分自由配药造成的滥用。
You shall apply it liberally and evenly. 涂漆的量要充足、均匀。
The best treatment for a cold is black coffee liberally laced with rum. 治疗感冒最好的方法是在清咖啡中多加些朗姆酒。
I bestow my own attributes over liberally on him. 我把自己的特性慷慨地施与他了。
And there may also be pressure for the law to be liberally interpreted. 我们可能也会面临压力:该法必须得到公平的解读。
Thoroughly clean and liberally grease pivot pin and lightly tap in a straight line without pausing. 对轴销做彻底清洁和充分润滑处理,并将它沿直线不间断地轻轻敲入(销孔)。