They came as liberators and now they're occupiers. 他们来的时候是解放者,现在却成了占领者。
If he does not, then neither is he the promised liberator. 要是他不拒绝,那么他就不是预许的解放者。
It took the group about eight months to design the liberator. 这个组织大概花了8个月的时间设计出了“解放者”。
God is a lover and a liberator, and surrendering to him brings freedom, not bondage. 神满有慈爱又任我们自由自在,当人降服于神,就有真自由,而不是束缚。
After this great liberator is laid to rest, and when we have returned to our cities and villages and rejoined our daily routines, let us search for his strength. Let us search for his largeness of spirit somewhere inside of ourselves. 在这位伟大的解放者进入长眠之后,当我们返回各自的城市与村庄和我们的日常工作之时,让我们去发现他的力量,让我们从自己内心深处去发现他博大宽厚的精神。
According to Forbes, the Liberator is capable of connecting to different barrels, allowing for various calibers of ammunition. 据《福布斯》报道,解放者手枪可以安装不同口径的枪管,从而能发射不同口径的子弹。
Through his newspaper, the liberator, he became the voice of abolition. 通过他的报纸,解放者,继任呼声裁撤。
Just like any Jewish liberator. 就像一个犹太民族解放者。
Mugabe, the last round he said, in a very long fight for Zimbabweans to liberate themselves from the former liberator. 他说,这可能是津巴布韦人民最终把自己从原来的救星穆加贝的统治下解放出来的漫长斗争的最后一场较量。
Among the pioneers of nationalism, Tilak glorified the Maharashtrian hero Sivaji as the liberator of his country from the alien yoke of the Mughals; 在民族主义的先驱者之中,提拉克称赞马哈拉施特拉的英雄希瓦吉是解放者,把他的国家从莫卧儿的异族束缚中解放;
That liberator of Colonel Pontmercy was on the point of committing a crime whose scope Marius did not, as yet, clearly comprehend, but which resembled an assassination! 搭救彭眉胥上校的那位义士竟在干着犯罪的勾当,马吕斯虽然还闹不清楚他打算干的究竟是什么,但却已具有谋财害命的迹象了!
The pen is the great liberator of men and nations. 他的笔就是人类和各个民族的救世主。
The methods on the data protection of computer liberator 计算机实验室的数据保护方法探讨
Here's one of only two flyable B-24 Liberator bombers left in the world. 下面这架是世界上仅存的两架还能飞上天的B-24之一。
It is a story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old. 这是一部美国成为友人和旧社会解放者的新世界发展史。
"nine-song" world: exploring the great potential of folk wisdom entering into liberator tradition; 九歌世界:开拓民间智慧进入文人传统的巨大潜能;
But the historic liberator and scholars didn't have a thorough study on its linguistic features. 但历代文人学士对其语言学方面的研究不够全面。
No matter Lu sun is either as a skipper in the New Culture Movement or as a great liberator among the numerous literature writers, he always presents a fighter image of stubbornness, valor, daring to speak frankly and daring to revenge. 不管鲁迅是作为五四新文化运动中的勇士,还是作为一名文学巨匠,他都呈现给人一种倔强的、勇猛的、敢于直言的、敢于复仇的斗士的形象。
Western press liberalism affected him, but he had more Chinese liberator political tradition. His newspaper ideas represent a prevalent character in that time and in that special environment, and his some ideas beyond his generation. 西方自由主义新闻理念对他产生了一定影响,但他身上中国文人论政传统的色彩更重。其报刊理念体现出那个时代特定环境下的普遍特征,而某些思想又超越了同辈。
However, due to limitations of the era, their emancipation have certain limitations, such as their one-sided pursued equal rights between men and women, the main liberator of movement confined to the bourgeoisie, the petty bourgeoisie. 但由于时代的局限,知识女性的妇女解放思想也有一定的局限性,她们的妇女解放思想片面追求男女平权,妇女解放主体局限在资产阶级小资产阶级范畴。