Powell let his libidinous imagination run away with him. 鲍威尔淫心顿起,浮想联翩。
Even with Olympic-caliber libidinous gymnastics, Anderson is quick to note that sex alone won't produce the kind of weight loss seen with, shall we say* more traditional forms of exercise. 但是,安德森同时也指出,即使你采用奥运会体操运动员那样难度的动作来进行房事,其对于减肥的作用依然不如更为传统的锻炼方式。
The libidinous spark in willie's eye. 威利眼中闪烁着淫邪的光。
In contrast, New England, with its freezing temperatures and parka-wearing populace, was home to many of the least libidinous cities. 相比之下,天气严寒、居民需穿风雪大衣出行的新英格兰地区中的许多城市都位居最不性感城市之列。