College is an exciting, hormonal time and your roommate will sometimes ( or very often) put his/ her libido ahead of your convenience. 大学生活很精彩,荷尔蒙汹涌,比起你的方便,室友有时(或常常)更多考虑他的力比多。
Relationships continue to take on a serious tone, which may chill the libido of the more commitment shy Gemini. 情感关系依旧是严肃的基调,这可能会吓到那些羞于给出承诺的双子们。
Being very underweight, severely obese, [ 4] or malnourished can cause a low libido due to disruptions in normal hormonal levels. 体重过轻,过度肥胖或者是营养不良,由于正常荷尔蒙水平的失调,也会导致力比多低下。
And may I always have the skin and libido of a much younger man. 愿我拥有更年轻的皮肤和精力。
Testosterone is one of the hormones controlling libido in human beings. 睾丸素是人体中控制力比多的一种荷尔蒙。
Sigmund Freud popularized the term and defined libido as the instinct energy or force, contained in what Freud called the id, the largely unconscious structure of the psyche. 弗洛伊德将力比多定义为包含于所谓的本我精神内部主要的无意识结构中的本能能量或动力。
It is primitive libido of human. 这是原始人性的本能冲动。
The excitement in sense, stimulated by beauty economy and "Libido" economy, replaces the pleasure in aesthetic activities. 美女经济、力比多经济诱发的官能快感代替了审美的愉悦。
Original Sin and Libido& On Collective Unconscious and Ecological Problems He's always antagonistic towards new ideas. 人类原罪与力比多的反抗&论荣格集体无意识思想与生态问题他总是抗拒新思想。
Among the biggest success of this movie, we'll never forget a group of wonderful bad guys, guided by their libido as much as their thirst for money. 在这部大获成功的作品中,我们永远无法忘记那群受到生理欲望和金钱饥渴的驱使的精彩的坏蛋。
The other thing about worrying too much about money is that it takes the gloss off the rest of your life, including your libido, which let's face it, right now is on a high! 过于忧虑金钱而会带来的另外一点后果是,它会剥夺你生命其他部分的色彩,其中包括你的力比多。而让我们正视你的力比多,它目前正处于高涨的状态!
"A short study of the development of the libido, viewed in the light of mental disorders" 根据对精神病的观察,对力必多发展的简短研究
In this sense, the antonym of libido is destrudo. 在这个意义上,力比多的反义词是死亡本能。
Most women in power, on the other hand, were less ruled by their libido and thus able to make more cool-headed judgments, she said. 而大多数掌权的女性则较少受到本能冲动的影响,能做出冷静的判断。
Conversely, increased androgen steroids ( e.g.testosterone) generally have a positive correlation with libido in both sexes. [citationneeded]相反,雄激素(如睾丸素)在两性中普遍都与力比多有确定的关联。
His idea is that the libido is a field of force, which he gets from Sorbent Howard, as he admits. 他的观点是力比多是一种立场,他也承认是从Sorbent,Howard获得的这种观点。
So, basically it is the love and interest that a person can have for himself or, a little more technically, the result of the influx of the libido on the Ego. 因此,它的基本含义是一个人对自己的爱和兴趣,说的更专业一点,就是力比多投注到自我的结果。
Absence of libido may or may not correlate with infertility or impotence. 力比多的缺失与不育症以及阳痿的联系也并非绝对。
When nature failed the male libido of her lover, I was asked by a guest to procure Viagra on the spot ′ with no mention of a prescription. 当某位客人的情人无法自然勃起时,她要我立刻去给他购买伟哥,而且根本就没有处方。
While the imploration of revolutionary ideology has been duly represented in modern Chinese Left-wing literature, there is a complicated relationship between the revolutionary ideology and love and love libido in literary discourses. 中国现代左翼文学承载了革命意识形态的吁求,但在文学话语中革命意识形态与情爱和情爱力比多的关系却是复杂的。
Jude's excessive powerful libido, Sue's narcissism, Arabella's pleasure principle give birth to their respective characteristic and outlook on life. 主人翁裘德强大的力比多、淑的自恋情结、艾拉白拉的快乐原则决定了他们各自的性格特征和人生道路。
After deeply clarifying the principles of Freud's sex theory, making the conceptions of his libido clear, and thoroughly comprehending the meaning of the sublimation, we can broaden our vision and deepen the exploration of the complicated human mental world. 深入探寻弗洛伊德性学说的底蕴,澄清他的性力、原欲概念的内涵,真正领悟其升华思想的真谛,才有可能拓宽我们的视野,深化对复杂纷繁的人的精神世界的研究。
Artist's Superego, Ego and Libido& On Thomas Mann's Dying in Venice 艺术家的超我、自我和本我&托马斯·曼小说《死于威尼斯》评析
In The Story Happened in West-wing House, for seeking self-consolation, the play writer, a disappointed literati, creates the imaginary libido satisfaction love, submerges the female's own sounds and image, limits the progress of the female's self-awareness. 在《西厢记》中,寻求自我安慰的失意文人创造出意淫式的爱情,淹没了女性自己的声音和形象建构,苑囿了女性自我意识的发展。
The application of cable dome structure and cable-joist structure in project ulterior explain the powerful libido of the cable-strut tensile system. 索穹顶结构和索桁结构在工程中的应用,更加说明了索杆张力体系具有强大的生命力。
On the contrary, they emphasized the power of emotion and volition even libido. 与之相反,他们强调感情、意志甚至里比多在人类活动中的力量。
Containing Electra complex towards her father and Marsden, strong libido towards her lover Darrell, Jocasta complex towards her son, and life and death instincts, her powerful id leads her to repeatedly lose and regain happiness in her real life. 她对父亲和马斯登有恋父情结,对情人达雷尔有着很强烈的力比多,对儿子有恋子情节,还有自身的生死本能。如此强大的本我使她在现实生活中反复失去并得到幸福。