"Licensed Patents" mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution alone or when combined with the Program. “授权专利”指由贡献者声明的专利许可,即那些由单独的使用者或销售此程序者必然的侵权行为的许可或与此程序结合时许可。
We do not believe that the laser we would sell you would possess all of the characteristics necessary to classify it as a licensable product. 我们并不认为我们将要出售给您的激光器将是根据所有必需的特点分类的,把它作为发放许可证的产品。
Oversize vehicles are barred from the highways and are not licensable. 体积过大的车辆禁止在公路上行驶,而且不发给执照。