While having a lie-in helps people feel a bit more clear-headed, they are still slow and clumsy. 睡懒觉可能会使得人们感到些许清醒,不过事实上他们的反应和思维还是很缓慢和迟钝的。
Scientists have identified a 'sleepless elite' – a small group of people for whom a lie-in is a waste of time. 科学家已证实存在夜猫子精英一族,对这些为数不多的人来说,睡懒觉就是在浪费生命。
You may have been led to believe that early to bed, early to rise was the best way of organizing your sleep, and may have come to think that having a lie-in is a bad habit. 你可能一直信以为真,觉得早睡早起才是最佳作息方式,而且还觉得睡懒觉是个坏习惯。
Most of us love a good lie-in on the weekends. But for some people, getting out of bed each morning is a daily struggle that can disrupt their lives. 我们大部分人都喜欢在周末睡个懒觉,但是对于一些人来说,每天早上最受折磨的就是挣扎着从床上爬起来。
Enjoying a lie-in at the weekend makes you sleepier during the week, according to new research. 一项新研究显示,周末睡懒觉会让你越睡越懒,精神更疲乏。
A third of those polled would simply like time to relax and put their feet up in front of the television or enjoy a lie-in in the morning. 而三分之一的父母希望能有放松的时间,双脚惬意的搭在茶几上,或是一个赖床的清晨。
Sunday's the only day I get a lie-in. 我只在星期天睡懒觉。
Workaholics are fooling themselves if they think a weekend lie-in can make up for lost sleep. 工作狂们自以为是地认为他们在周末睡懒觉就可以弥补缺少的睡眠。