灯塔 A lighthouse is a tower containing a powerful flashing lamp that is built on the coast or on a small island. Lighthouses are used to guide ships or to warn them of danger.
On the dangerous points along our seacoast are lighthouses, which can be seen far out at sea, and serve as guides to ships. 在危险的时刻,沿着海岸,我们可以看到远处的海上,许多灯塔为船舶作向导。
Sometimes the fog is so dense that these lights can not be seen, but most lighthouses have great fog bells or fog horns; some of the latter are made to sound by steam, and can be heard for a long distance. 有时候因为雾太浓而看不到这些灯塔,但大多数灯塔有大雾钟或者大雾警报器;大雾警报器很多是通过蒸汽来制造声音的,在很远的地方都可以听到。
'Lighthouses have sea all round them, don't they?' he said. ' 他说:灯塔四周是大海,对不对?
Such kind of old lighthouses are really rare. 这么古老的灯塔可不多见啊。
How many of you consider yourselves Lighthouses? 你们中有多少人把自己看作灯塔?
Radio and satellite-based navigation systems have greatly reduced the need for large lighthouses in sighting land. 无线电和卫星导航系统已大为降低了对在可视陆地范围内建大型灯塔的需要。
There are lighthouses all along the eastern shore. 沿着东海岸都有灯塔。
Later in the campaign, there's sailing ships and lighthouses and more. 在之后的战役中,还有帆船和灯塔等。
Bella Bathurst made her name writing about the lighthouses built by the ancestors of Robert Louis Stevenson. 在大文豪罗伯特•路易斯•斯蒂文森等先辈建立的文学灯塔上,记录着贝拉•巴瑟斯特的名字。
They have already been listed among the World Historical and Cultural Relic Lighthouses. 它们已经被列入了世界历史文物灯塔的名单。
They have gone to farmhouses, flophouses, lighthouses; 他们到过农舍、小客栈、灯塔;
By then there were only a dozen or so true lighthouses in the colonies. 那时,在各殖民地,真正的灯塔仅有十几个。
Optical element ( lenses and prisms) mounted on panels or drums, for lighthouses or beacons 光学配件(透镜和棱镜)安装在面板或鼓筒上,用于灯塔或灯标
A Computer Management System of Lighthouses and Navigation Marks 灯塔、航标的微机管理系统