Wassmer uses a one-word reminder to list all the body-language signals that project warmth and likability: SOFTEN. 沃斯默用一个单词来代表所有可以表现出热情讨喜的身体语言信号:SOFTEN(放松)。
The 'big three' behaviors most important to a speaker's likability are making eye contact by looking into the camera, smiling naturally when you talk and varying your tone of voice to convey warmth and enthusiasm, Mr. Decker says. 戴克尔指出,讲话者若要讨人喜欢,最重要的三大举动是要看着摄像头进行眼神交流,在讲话时自然地微笑以及变化语调来表达亲切感与热情。
Likability is more important and harder to pull off on video than in person. 与当面交流相比,讨人喜欢的能力在视频中更重要,而且也更难表现出来。
More employers track employees 'likability on in-house social networks and chat services. 越来越多的雇主会追踪员工在内部社交网络和聊天服务上的受欢迎度。
The humor of the Providence-Boston joke has been lost to history& but the word OK took off from there, soon connoting agreement, acceptance, mediocrity, endorsement, quality or likability. 这个关于普罗维登斯和波士顿的笑话已经是过去的历史了,但是OK这个词从此风靡,很快就包含了同意、接受、普通、支持、棒极了和可爱的意思。
Does likability mean less to the end of the competition? 亲和力在比赛中的影响会越来越小吗?
As far back as George Washington and his dentures, American politicians have had to factor their looks into the calculus of their own electoral likability. 早在〔美国国父〕乔治。华盛顿为他的假牙所苦之等,美国政治人物在评估他们胜选的可能性时,都要计入容貌的因素。
None of this stuff becomes cloying, thanks to the likability of the young actors, especially the girls. 难能可贵的是,以上种种,却丝毫不让人觉得腻味,因为电影里的小演员实在是出色了,尤其是女孩。
Participants 'personality trait extroversion, nervousness and prior internet chatting experience were effective moderate predictors of their likability. 网上聊天中人们受聊天对象喜欢的程度受其人格特质中的乐群性、紧张性以及先前的网上聊天经验的影响。