Both have recently appeared in British newspapers likening each other's government to Lord Voldemort, the villain in the Harry Potter stories. 两位大使最近都曾在报纸上发文把对方比作《哈利波特》系列故事中的反派角色伏地魔。
Most of us have a likening for either summer or winter or spring or rains. 大部分人都会更喜欢夏天或冬天或春天或雨季。
( He's not above likening the coal-industry spin to the handiwork of Goebbels.) If it were anyone else, Wall Street would probably laugh him off. (他未能免俗地将煤炭业的宣传比作是戈培尔的造势之作)。如果换成别人,华尔街很可能对此一笑置之。
We are really at the dawn of a new era of space exploration, one where there is a much bigger role for commercial space companies, Musk said, likening the space effort to the expansion of the Internet in the mid 1990s. 马斯克将这一太空成就比作20世纪90年代中期的网络扩张,他说:我们真实见证了太空探索新纪元的开端,这是商业太空公司可以大有所为的时代。
The issue provoked fierce debate, with some opponents likening the procedure to genetic modification and arguing that it would open the way to the creation of so-called designer babies. 这个问题引起了激烈争论,一些反对者将这个方法和基因改造相提并论,认为这会开启婴儿设计的大门。
That is not because I necessarily consider Thatcher to be the perfect solution to the current woes in Britain or America ( never mind that politician Michele Bachmann, the Tea Party darling and former Republican presidential candidate, recently aired commercials likening herself to the Iron Lady). 这并非因为我认为撒切尔能为英国或美国当前的危机提供完美的解决方案(虽然茶党宠儿、前共和党总统候选人、政客米歇尔巴赫曼(MicheleBachmann)近来在宣传广告中把自己比作铁娘子)。
Likening strong fluctuations in global currencies to a rollercoaster ride, Mr Wen said China was not to blame for that volatility. 他将全球货币的剧烈起伏比喻为坐过山车,称不应将这种波动归咎于中国。
Mr Giavazzi recently published an article in Corriere della Sera likening the spending review to a "timid mouse" and noting it would examine only a tenth of public spending. 贾瓦齐最近在《晚邮报》发表文章,将支出审查比作“胆小的老鼠”,称其只能查出公共支出的十分之一。
Earlier, he had acknowledged concerns about asset bubbles, likening property markets in some big cities to a wild horse. 早些时候他曾承认自己对资产泡沫感到担心,并把某些大城市的楼市比作脱缰的野马。
Maybe I made a big mistake by likening it to an organic chemistry course& I don't mean to turn you off. 也许我把金融市场学跟有机化学进行类比是个很大的错误-我并没打算让你们感到厌烦。
But what is fascinating about McQueen is that the clothes do not simply send obvious messages; they also try to subvert cultural norms in a way that leaves Bolton likening the role of the designer in western culture to that of a shaman in other societies. 但有关麦昆令人感兴趣的一点是,服装不仅仅会传递显而易见的信息;而且还试图颠覆文化准则,因此波顿将西方文化中的设计师比喻成其它社会中的巫师。
Likening intestinal pellets is a modern Chinese medicine preparation which has antiseptic and antiviral curative effects, with no release in the stomach and positioning release in intestine. 立克宁肠溶微丸为具有清热解毒、消炎止痢等功效的现代中药制剂,具有在胃中不释放,在小肠中定位释放的作用。