Its not impossible, but its difficult to answer highly complex questions unless both of your feet are on the ground, Wood says. It has to do with being able to go back and forth easily between the limbic reptilian brain to the neocortex brain. 这并不是不可能的事情,但回答非常复杂的问题的时候就会感觉困难,不过如果双腿站稳就可以避免这种感觉,Wood表示,这与边缘爬行动物大脑与大脑新皮层之间的切换能力有关系。
The limbic brain picks up the positivity, which will make the interviewer comfortable, Wood says. 大脑边缘的区域主导人的积极性,这样会让面试官感觉更舒适,Wood表示。
Affective empathy is grounded in the limbic region of the brain, which regulates emotions. 情感同理心植根于大脑的边缘区,这一区域的功能是调节情绪。
"Imaging of olfaction in MTLE may be used to determine specific activation-related changes in limbic processing and show the extent of interictal limbic dysfunction," said principal investigator Dr. 颞叶内侧癫痫病人的嗅觉图像常被用来判断边缘系统进程中异常激活相关的变化,反应间歇期边缘系统功能障碍程度。
Your limbic system may be acting up. 你的边缘系统可能开始起作用了。
Nonverbal communication is processed by a woman's reptilian brain – the physical part of her brain that evolved millions of years before the Mammalian Limbic brain ever evolved around it. 非语言沟通直接通过女人的爬行动物脑&早在人类大脑出现前,自然进化数亿年的大脑。
The author proposes three main points: the mental phenomenon is unable to reduce to the physical phenomenon; the limbic system is unable completely to control the will action; the self is not the cerebrum, the self is one sociality and the culture constructs. 笔者归结出三项要点:心智状态无法化约为物理现象;边缘系统无法全然掌控意志行为;自我不是大脑,自我是一种社会性与文化性的建构。
Their cerebellum seems to be smaller than normal, and their limbic system is impaired. 他们的小脑似乎小于正常,他们的边缘系统受损。
The limbic system is a collection of interconnected brain nuclei ( neural centers) that play a pivotal role in the regulation of emotion and memory. 边缘系统是脑中相互连结的一组神经核构造,在情绪与记忆功能上扮演重要的角色。
Physiologically, the fear response is linked to activity in the amygdala of the limbic system. 从生理上说,恐惧中的反应和淋巴结系统中扁桃腺的活动有关。
The signals from these nerves travel directly to the limbic system in the brain. 来自这些神经的信号直接传播到大脑中的边缘系统。
The data showed that, indeed, endorphins were produced during running and were attaching themselves to areas of the brain associated with emotions, in particular the limbic and prefrontal areas. 数据表明,确实在跑步中产生了内啡肽,并且依附在大脑与感情有关的区域,尤其是在边缘和额叶前部。
Clinical depression is characterised by a malfunction in the limbic system, the brain area associated with emotion and motivation. 临床抑郁症的特征是脑边缘系统紊乱。脑边缘系统是大脑中与情感和动力有关的区域。
The middle two sections make up our limbic brains. 中间的两个部分组成我们的边缘大脑。
It's all happening here in you limbic brain, the part of the brain that controls decision-making and not language. 它全发生在你的边缘大脑里,大脑中控制决策但不负责语言的那部分。
Ciumas'team conducted the study because of the known relationship between odor perception and the limbic system. Ciumas小组实施这项研究源于著名的气味先兆和边缘系统的关系理论。
The limbic forebrain plays an importent role in regulation of emotion and stress, water-and electrolyte-balance. 边缘前脑内很多区参与情绪反应,水和电解质平衡失调引起的血流动力学变化。
A part of the brain's limbic system that attaches emotional significance to information and mediates both defensive and aggressive behavior. 大脑的边缘皮层的一部分,给信息和介导赋予情感意义,包括保护性行为和侵略性行为。
And what we've also seen is the more that region is activated, the less activity you see in a variety of limbic regions that are typically associated with affective or emotional processing. 而且我们还观察到,右侧前额叶区域越活跃,那么各种边缘区的脑活动就越少,这些边缘区通常与情感和情绪过程相关联。
All three scents stimulate the limbic system in your brain, which, in turn, stimulates the rods in your eyes, which help you see in dim light. 所有这三个香味刺激大脑边缘系统,这最终,又刺激眼中的杆状细胞,这有利于在弱光环境中看清物体。
Spinal pathways to limbic structures and medial thalamic nuclei were noted to provide direct input to brain areas involved in affective responses. 研究表明,到边缘结构和内侧丘脑核的脊髓通路可直接输入与情感反应有关的信号进入大脑。
Variable contents and phosphorylase levels of CaMK ⅱ in morphine withdrawal rats associated with limbic system 吗啡戒断性焦虑大鼠边缘系统CaMKⅡ含量及其磷酸化水平的改变
The limbic system and its nuclear groups with many neurotransmitters involved, play coordinate action on acupuncture analgesia; 边缘系统及其核团和多种神经介质参与,对针刺镇痛起到协调作用;
Hippocampus is one of the important organs of the limbic system. 海马是边缘系统的一个重要器官。
Hippocampal formation is the main structure of the limbic system, made up of hippocampus and dentate gyrus mainly. 海马结构是边缘系统的重要组成部分,主要由海马和齿状回组成。
The limbic system has the double actions of regulating emotion and visceral functions. 边缘系统具有调节内脏活动和情绪反应的双重功能。
Objective To study the clinical and imaging features of paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis ( PLE). 目的探讨副肿瘤性边缘叶脑炎(PLE)的临床和影像学特征。
Abnormal emotion can influence visceral function through limbic system, and visceral dysfunctions can affect emotion. 情绪异常可通过边缘系统影响内脏功能,内脏功能紊乱也能通过边缘系统影响情绪。
Initial speculation of acupoints and differences of non acupoint to treat functional diarrhea and limbic system, cerebellum. 初步推测经穴与非穴治疗功能性腹泻的差异与边缘系统、小脑有关。